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发布时间:2019-03-06 17:48
【摘要】:针对以蓄电池-超级电容器复合电源为储能系统的混合动力汽车再生制动能量回收问题,提高再生制动能量回收率,提出了一种适用于复合电源型混合动力汽车的制动力分配策略。不拘泥于传统ADVISOR 2002高级车辆仿真软件中以速度为控制对象的分配策略,引入车身作用力、道路环境和整车结构等参数,兼顾蓄电池和超级电容器的安全充电条件,在ECE R13制动法规的约束下对再生制动力和摩擦力进行合理分配。在ADVISOR 2002下对所提出的分配策略进行建模和整车仿真验证,同时搭建了复合电源系统试验平台进行试验验证,结果表明,该策略能很好地实现再生制动力和摩擦力的合理分配,满足复合电源型混合动力汽车的能量回收要求,延长了混合动力汽车的续航里程。
[Abstract]:Aiming at the problem of regenerative braking energy recovery of hybrid electric vehicle with battery-supercapacitor composite power supply as energy storage system, the recovery rate of regenerative braking energy is improved. A braking force distribution strategy for hybrid electric vehicle with hybrid power supply is presented in this paper. It is not confined to the traditional ADVISOR 2002 advanced vehicle simulation software, which takes the speed as the control object, introduces the parameters such as body force, road environment and vehicle structure, and takes into account the safe charging conditions of the battery and the supercapacitor. Reasonable distribution of regenerative braking force and friction force is carried out under the restriction of ECE R13 braking code. Based on ADVISOR 2002, the proposed distribution strategy is modeled and verified by vehicle simulation. At the same time, the experimental platform of composite power supply system is built. The results show that the proposed strategy can realize reasonable distribution of regenerative braking force and friction force, and the simulation results show that the proposed strategy can realize the reasonable distribution of regenerative braking force and friction force. The energy recovery requirement of hybrid electric vehicle is satisfied, and the mileage of hybrid electric vehicle is prolonged.
【作者单位】: 江苏大学电气信息工程学院;南京工程学院电力工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(51377074) 江苏省优势学科建设工程项目(苏政办发[2011]6号) 江苏省研究生创新计划(CXZZ13_0683)资助项目


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