本文关键词: 供热控制系统 氧传感器 空燃比 节能环保 出处:《大连理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of living standards, gas fired boilers are more and more recognized and favored by people, especially gas wall hanging furnace with its convenience. Safety, energy saving, environmental protection and other significant advantages greatly improve the quality of life and comfort of users. The performance of gas-fired boiler mainly depends on the heating control system, and the control system is the core of gas-fired boiler. Optimization and improvement of heating control system is an important way to improve the performance of gas boiler. At present, the heating control system of gas boiler in the market has poor stability, low combustion efficiency and low safety performance. Has been unable to meet the needs of high quality users. Especially in some countries in Europe and the United States, gas boilers not only to save energy and efficiency, but also to meet the standards of environmental protection. This paper designs a new closed-loop heating control system for gas-fired boiler. Firstly, the paper introduces the current development of gas heating control system, and determines the content combined with the design objectives of the paper. The working principle of gas heating system is analyzed, and the principle of oxygen sensor and gas proportional valve is expounded in detail. Finally, the overall scheme of heating control system is designed. The core part of this paper is to design a closed-loop combustion system based on the characteristics of oxygen sensor to adjust the air-fuel ratio of mixture. Improve combustion efficiency. At the same time, combine the characteristics of the system and compare the different uses of various control algorithms. Finally, PID control is chosen as the control algorithm of the system. The hardware part of the system is mainly composed of the power supply part and the main control circuit part. The power supply part is designed to meet all the voltage type requirements of the main control circuit. The main control circuit mainly relies on the powerful function of STM32 microcontroller to design and implement, including some detection circuit, driving circuit and display module peripheral circuit. Software part, according to the system realization function. Combined with the peripheral circuits of STM32 MCU and main control circuit, each module is designed, finally the software system is integrated perfectly. Finally. The hardware part and system performance of the whole heating control system are tested. The test results show that the designed control system improves the efficiency of boiler gas and saves energy. In particular, the test results of exhaust gas composition show that the environmental protection requirements of the system fully meet the design objectives. Therefore, the designed system has important practical value in the field of gas heating.
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