本文选题:科学发展观 + 能源结构优化 ; 参考:《西安科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The concept of scientific development is the inheritance and development of Marxist view on natural resources and development, and its basic connotation is to adhere to the people-oriented view, to establish a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable view of development, and to promote the overall development of economy, society and human beings. In recent years, energy problem is a universal problem in our country and the whole world. The core of energy problem is energy supply security and structure optimization. At present, the energy structure of our country and Shaanxi Province does not match with the requirement of the scientific development view. In order to ensure the development of energy science in Shaanxi Province, it is imperative to optimize the energy structure. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to analyze and discuss the optimization of Shaanxi energy structure and its policies under the guidance of scientific development view. Shaanxi Province is a major energy province in China. Its energy occurrence structure, production structure and consumption structure are close to the overall characteristics of China's energy structure. It can also lay a good foundation for future energy structure optimization in China. Since the 11th Five-Year Plan, with the implementation of the relevant policies of energy structure optimization in China and Shaanxi Province, the optimization of energy structure in Shaanxi Province has achieved initial results. However, there are still some problems in the energy structure and its policies that still need to be improved. Based on the theory of scientific development and energy structure optimization policy, this paper combines theoretical analysis with empirical research, historical analysis with literature research, statistical analysis with text analysis. This paper analyzes the energy structure and its problems in Shaanxi Province, combs the relevant policies on the optimization of energy structure in Shaanxi Province since the 11th Five-Year Plan, and combines with the scientific concept of development. The main causes of the current energy structure problems in Shaanxi Province are summarized as follows: incomplete access policy for energy enterprises, policy barriers in energy production and consumption, imperfect energy tax and price policies, and the absence of policy makers. A problem of dislocation, etc. According to the policy requirements of energy structure optimization in Shaanxi Province and guided by the scientific concept of development, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions for optimizing the energy structure of Shaanxi Province: formulating a comprehensive and coordinated access policy for energy enterprises, insisting on the simultaneous development of energy incentive policy and innovation policy, Improve the level of scientific development; adhere to sustainable development, promote energy prices and tax reform in Shaanxi Province; improve the policy of low-carbon cycle in Shaanxi Province, develop low-carbon cycle economy; always adhere to the guidance of scientific development concept, follow the path of energy development with Shaanxi characteristics.
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