[Abstract]:In the natural gas boiler, the temperature of exhaust gas is higher, the heat loss of exhaust smoke is relatively large, and the superheated water vapor will cause a huge waste of latent heat of water vapor with exhaust smoke into the atmosphere. Therefore, the gas exhaust temperature of natural gas boiler is high, and it is difficult to recover the latent heat of water vapor under superheated condition. Because finned tube heat exchanger has good heat transfer performance and its structure is compact and easy to clean, it occupies a place in many ways and methods of reducing smoke exhaust temperature and recovering flue gas waste heat. Therefore, in view of the problem of high exhaust gas temperature of natural gas boiler and difficulty in recovering latent heat of water vapor under superheated state, combined with engineering thermodynamics and calculation heat transfer theory, this paper combines the theory of engineering thermodynamics and calculation heat transfer. The finned tube heat exchanger is added to the tail of the natural gas boiler system to recover the sensible heat of flue gas and the latent heat released when the steam condenses in order to reduce the exhaust gas temperature and to recover the flue gas heat deeply. In this paper, the physical model is established through the physical model analysis, and the simulation method is used to restore the actual situation. The simulation results of finned tube heat exchanger are compared with the experimental data, and the maneuverability of the method is verified. The characteristics of flue gas condensation heat transfer are obtained under the change of inlet velocity, fin spacing, fin thickness and fin height. Specific include: 1. In the four parameter variables, that is, flue gas inlet velocity, fin spacing, fin thickness, fin height, flue gas inlet velocity has the greatest effect on heat transfer law, the effect of fin spacing and thickness on heat transfer is two or three, The finned height has the least effect on heat transfer. 2. When the inlet velocity of the flue gas side is changed, the average heat transfer coefficient increases, the flow resistance increases and the heat transfer performance increases with the increase of the inlet flue gas velocity. The average heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer quantity of the heat exchanger increase with the increase of fin spacing and thickness. When the fin height is changed, the average heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate of the heat exchanger decrease with the decrease of the fin height. Finally, the economic evaluation of finned tube heat exchanger is carried out by using the static investment recovery period method, and the shortest economic recovery period is obtained.
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