本文选题:浒苔 + MODIS图像 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since 2008, a large-scale Enteromorpha disaster has erupted in the Qingdao sea area from May to August every year for several years. The excessive consumption of oxygen during the mass propagation of Enteromorpha enteromorpha poses a threat to the growth and reproduction of other organisms on the sea floor.Moreover, a large area of Enteromorpha enteromorpha floats on the shore and even drifts to the beach, which will give off a bad smell after decaying, which will seriously affect the development of coastal tourism.In order to better meet the needs of early warning monitoring of Enteromorpha margin, satellite remote sensing technology has become a very important means for early warning and monitoring of Enteromorpha margin because of its macroscopic, rapid and large-scale monitoring advantages.Accurate remote sensing monitoring data of Enteromorpha enteromorpha has important guiding significance for salvage work of Enteromorpha margin. According to the map of remote sensing monitoring and statistical map of coverage area of Enteromorpha margin, the salvage work can be carried out pertinently.Understanding and controlling the development situation of Enteromorpha margin disaster in the shortest time is helpful to the management of Enteromorpha margin, and the monitoring of Enteromorpha margin by remote sensing technology is also a hot topic of academic research in recent years.In this paper, the MODIS images of Qingdao offshore area and the relevant historical data such as sea surface temperature are collected and collated, and the Bowtie effect, geometric correction, atmospheric correction, land mask and so on are eliminated from the remote sensing data.Then the actual spectral curves of Enteromorpha enteromorpha in sea water were measured by using the field ground object spectrometer, and the spectral characteristics of different bands of Enteromorpha margin were analyzed. The basic spectral characteristics of Enteromorpha margin were the formation of reflection valleys near the blue and red light bands.The reflection peak is formed in the green light band, but the reflectivity in the near infrared band increases obviously, which lays the foundation for extracting the information of Enteromorpha enteromorpha from remote sensing image, and then uses the minimum distance classification method to normalize the vegetation index method.Image classification methods based on mixed pixel decomposition, such as spectral angle classification, minimum point threshold method, iterative method and maximum inter-class variance method, are used to extract the information of Enteromorpha enteromorpha.On this basis, the selection method of adaptive normalized vegetation index (NDVI) threshold is studied, which can not only effectively eliminate or reduce the cloud effect, but also can conveniently extract the information of Enteromorpha enteromorpha for multiple images and improve the working efficiency.Finally, the disaster information of Enteromorpha enteromorpha in Qingdao sea area from 2008 to 2010 was extracted, and the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of Enteromorpha enteromorpha disaster in Qingdao sea area and the related factors affecting the accumulation of Enteromorpha enteromorpha were analyzed.In a word, the ultimate purpose of this study is to obtain an efficient method for extracting the information of Enteromorpha margin based on remote sensing image, and then to obtain the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of Enteromorpha enteromorpha disaster in Qingdao sea area, and to analyze the influencing factors of the outbreak of Enteromorpha margin.To provide a certain theoretical basis and technical reference for the monitoring and control of Enteromorpha enteromorpha in the future.
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