发布时间:2018-04-23 09:23
本文选题:Argo + SMOS ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:全球变暖现象已经成为数十年来被广泛关注的焦点气候问题。引发全球变暖的原因是多方面的,其中主要因素可分为自然因素和人为因素,包括全球周期性的冰暖期交替以及人类活动造成的大量温室气体的排放等。全球变暖将会对人类社会产生重要的影响,涉及到多个方面:从生态环境角度来讲,全球变暖将会导致地球表面温度升高,进而有可能造成两极冰川融化,抬高海平面,引发人类居住地的灾难性后果;从社会经济角度来讲,虽然表面上更暖的气候有提升农作物产量的潜力,但是由气候变化而导致的难以预测的极端气候现象对农作物产量的冲击同样是巨大的,而且气候的变化可能会导致病虫害或传染疾病的加剧,,影响社会安定。 多年来,气候学家和海洋学家针对全球变暖做了大量的研究工作,他们从海表面温度、海表面气压、海冰等多个角度对研究对象与全球变暖的关系进行了系统的研究,揭示了诸多全球变暖的信号和影响。但是受限于数据来源,目前的工作大多集中在海表面以及大气层,对海表面以下的参数缺乏系统深入研究。而新世纪以来Argo全球海洋观测网络计划的顺利实施,使得在全球尺度观察三维温盐参数成为可能,而2009年欧空局发射的历史上第一颗土壤湿度与海洋盐度(Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity, SMOS)卫星使得海洋盐度最终实现了遥感测量。本文受益于难得的历史机遇,结合SMOS卫星数据与Argo数据,来探索全球变暖背景下温盐参数模态结构的垂直变化。具体工作包括: 1.在使用SMOS卫星数据之前,首先以Argo表层实测数据为基准,对SMOS卫星的两个数据发布中心(法国海洋研究研究院SMOS卫星数据小组,CentreAval de Traitement des Données SMOS, CATDS,和西班牙巴塞罗那专家中心,Barcelona Expert Center, BEC)发布的两套格网化产品数据进行了详细的对比分析,找出质量差异并确定原因。由于SMOS卫星升空时间不长,因此对其卫星数据进行质量评估、检验和校正是非常有必要的。最终我们确认CATDS第二版本的数据质量精度更高,在后续工作中将采用这一数据集。 2.使用SMOS数据和Argo数据,并结合赤道太平洋长时间序列的历史实测数据,我们从全球海域到赤道印太海域等多尺度出发,对全球温盐从表层到2000m深层的垂直模态结构进行了系统的研究。最终发现近十年来(本研究使用数据集时间跨度范围内),全球变暖信号在海表层并不明显,但在1000-2000m深层海域,尤其在局部海域如北大西洋和印太海域,海温增暖现象十分显著,海盐浓度也有明显升高。这也与目前全球变暖停滞以及由表层转移至深层的命题相契合,值得持续做进一步工作。 3.对全球海温年周期无变柱现象的研究。海温年周期无变柱是本研究首次提出的概念,是指某一个海温年周期无变点在同一位置延伸至一定深度海域所形成的柱状结构。最终我们成功发现并精确定位了全球四个海温年周期无变柱。考虑到理论上该位置不受季节性信号的影响,因此该研究将对观察年际甚至年代际全球变暖现象提供科学帮助,比如指导浮标投放的位置等。 本论文中,研究数据经过筛选控制因而质量得以保证,方法为成熟的分析方法,因此结论鲁棒性较高,将会对全球变暖现象的认识产生一定的推动作用,且具有实用意义。但是考虑到数据集时间序列仍然较短,尤其是SMOS海盐数据,这成为探索长时间序列全球变暖趋势的限制因素。因此该论文研究值得持续开展,以后继续深入研究。
[Abstract]:Global warming has become a focus climate problem for decades . The cause of global warming is manifold , among which the main factors can be divided into natural and human factors , including global periodic ice - warm periods and the emission of large amounts of greenhouse gases caused by human activities . Global warming will have an important impact on the human society , involving multiple aspects : from an eco - environment perspective , global warming will lead to an increase in the surface temperature of the earth , possibly causing the melting of polar glaciers , raising sea levels , causing catastrophic consequences for human settlements ;
In terms of socio - economic terms , although the warmer climate on the surface has the potential to increase crop yields , the unpredictable extreme weather phenomena caused by climate change are also enormous to crop yields , and changes in climate may lead to increased pest or infectious diseases , affecting social stability .
For many years , climatologists and marine scientists have done a great deal of research on global warming . They have studied the relationship between sea surface temperature , sea surface pressure , sea ice , etc . , and revealed many signals and effects of global warming . However , since the new century , most of the current work is concentrated on the sea surface and atmosphere , which makes the ocean salinity eventually realize remote sensing measurement . In the new century , the first soil moisture and ocean salinity ( SMOS ) satellite in the history of ESA launched the remote sensing measurement . This paper benefits from the rare historical opportunity , combines the SMOS satellite data and Argo data to explore the vertical change of the temperature salt parameter modal structure in the global warming background .
1 . Before using SMOS satellite data , the data of two sets of grid products published by SMOS Satellite Data Group , CentreAval de Traitement des Donn茅es SMOS , CATDS , and Barcelona Expert Center , Barcelona Expert Center , and the Barcelona Expert Center of SMOS satellite were analyzed in detail to find out the quality difference and determine the reason .
2 . Using SMOS data and Argo data , and combining the historical measured data of the equatorial Pacific for a long time , we systematically studied the vertical modal structure from the surface layer to the 2000m deep sea area from the global sea area to the equatorial Indo - Pacific region .
3 . The study on the phenomenon of non - variable column in the annual cycle of the global warming year is the first concept of this study in the annual cycle of the sea - temperature cycle , which refers to the columnar structure formed by a sea - temperature - year period in the same location to a certain depth . Finally , we have successfully discovered and accurately positioned the four global warming - year periods without a variable column . Considering that the position is not influenced by seasonal signals , the study will provide scientific help to the phenomenon of global warming in the interannual or even - decadal time , such as guiding the position of the buoy to be released .
In this paper , the research data has been screened and controlled so that the quality can be guaranteed and the method is a mature analysis method . Therefore , the conclusion is robust . It will give some impetus to the understanding of global warming phenomenon and has practical significance . However , considering that the data set time series is still relatively short , especially the SMOS sea salt data , this is a limiting factor to explore the trend of global warming for a long time .
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