[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our national economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the demand for energy is also increasing step by step. As a new clean, efficient and low pollution energy, natural gas hydrate has large storage capacity, wide distribution and shallow burial location. Coal and petroleum are ideal alternative energy sources. In 2007, Chinese marine workers successfully drilled samples of natural gas hydrates in the South China Sea. If they are successfully exploited and utilized, they will supply our country with energy. Social and economic sustainable development is of great significance. A marine gas hydrate monitoring system is integrated and developed in this paper. The main purpose of this system is to collect environmental information in the ocean in real time. In this system, the sensor node is mainly responsible for collecting, processing and transmitting the data of CTD, CO2 PH and methane. The sensor node includes central control unit, power supply unit and underwater acoustic modem unit. The sensor nodes are organized into a network by a underwater acoustic modem. The data packets are transmitted to the water surface base station by the node through the transit node in a multi-hop mode. The water base station transmits the data packets to the land control center through the satellite. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the related knowledge of underwater acoustic sensor networks, and determines that the network adopts a fully distributed topology in the system. Secondly, the hardware structure design of the system node is given. The central control unit, the power supply control unit and the data communication unit are designed respectively, and the function of each hardware structure and the realization method of the circuit are expounded. Finally, the software implementation flow of the environmental monitoring system network of submarine gas hydrate is introduced, including the establishment, management, selection, update and maintenance of sensor nodes. Based on the environmental monitoring system of submarine gas hydrate, the realization process of the system is demonstrated from the hardware design scheme and the system software workflow. At the end of this paper, the specific scheme of ocean test and some test results are given.
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