[Abstract]:The ocean has provided abundant resources and broad development space for the social economy development of our country. In recent years, the rapid development of the marine economy has also contributed to the growth of the national economy to a great extent, and has promoted the whole social economy to develop forward. However, with the acceleration of industrialization in coastal areas of China and the rapid development of marine economy, environmental problems such as extensive exploitation and uncontrolled discharge of the ocean, pollution of marine water bodies, ecological damage, frequent disasters, etc, are prominent. The occurrence of these marine ecological environmental problems will lead to the reduction of marine living resources, even the extinction of rare species, the destruction of the coastal tourism environment, the loss of its original value, and the threat to the health and safety of human beings. The problem of marine environment has become the restriction factor of marine economic growth and healthy sustainable development. Therefore, in view of the current development situation of marine economy in China, how to maximize the efficiency of marine economic production and realize the sustained and healthy development of marine economy under the premise of protecting the environment? It has become an inevitable and urgent problem. On the basis of explaining the present situation of marine environment and marine economy development in China, the traditional input elements of ocean, the input elements of marine environment and the growth of marine economy are brought into a whole production process. By using Cobb-Douglas' stochastic frontier analysis method to calculate the efficiency of the producers themselves, the green production efficiency values of marine economy in each coastal area of China are obtained, and the ArcGIS analysis function, nuclear density estimation, Gini coefficient are used. The methods of variation coefficient, 伪 -convergence and 尾 -convergence are used to analyze the green production efficiency of marine economy in coastal areas of China in time and space and dynamic evolution trend analysis. On this basis, the Tobit regression model was established to quantitatively analyze the influence degree and direction of various possible factors on the green production efficiency of marine economy. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the green production efficiency of marine economy in 11 provinces and cities along the coast of China shows a steady upward trend, and the differences between regions are narrowing, while the green production efficiency of marine economy in Hebei Province is the highest, but the growth rate is the lowest. Hainan has the lowest efficiency level and the highest growth rate, and the difference between the highest efficiency and the lowest efficiency converges. (2) from the point of view of the output elasticity of input elements, the increase of traditional input elements promotes the growth of marine economy. At the present level of technology, the development of marine economy in China is based on increasing the number of employees involved in the sea and transforming more marine capital as much as possible. With the increase of marine economic output value and the increase of marine environmental pollution, the discharge of industrial waste water causes the greatest pollution to the marine environment. (3) the green production efficiency of marine economy in different regions is similar. The convergence rate is 5.64. The convergence rate in the areas with higher green production efficiency of marine economy such as Hebei and Guangdong is lower than that in Hainan, Liaoning and other areas with low green production efficiency. (4) from the point of view of influencing factors, the convergence rate of green production efficiency of marine economy in Hebei and Guangdong is lower than that in Hainan and Liaoning. (4) from the point of view of influencing factors, The level of marine economic development plays a negative role in improving the efficiency of green production of marine economy. The main reason is that the economic benefits brought by marine development are less than those caused by the destruction of resources and the cost of environmental pollution. Marine material capital and the level of opening to the outside world play a positive role in promoting the green production efficiency of marine economy. The marine industrial structure, marine human capital and environmental governance have not passed the model test. It has no significant effect on the green production efficiency of marine economy.
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