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发布时间:2018-01-06 03:14

  本文关键词:基于伴随方程的网格自适应及误差修正技术研究 出处:《中国空气动力研究与发展中心》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 非结构网格 伴随方程 目标函数 误差修正 网格自适应

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of computer computing ability and programming language, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has become one of the most important methods for aeronautical and astronautical aircraft aerodynamic design. It plays a more and more important role in the basic research of hydrodynamics and the design and optimization of aeronautical and spaceflight vehicles. The design of aircraft requires high precision calculation of aerodynamic characteristics. The high accuracy calculation of aerodynamic characteristics mainly depends on the accuracy of numerical method and the resolution of computational meshes. Unstructured meshes are more flexible than structural meshes. The nodes without structural meshes can be optimized in the sensitive region of the flow field, and the local resolution of the mesh can be improved, and the computational accuracy of aerodynamic characteristics can be improved. At present, the error estimation technology has been paid great attention by the CFD workers, and the error estimation technology can estimate and correct the error of the calculation results. This paper is based on unstructured meshes, discrete adjoint theory and MFlow flow field solver. In this paper, a mesh adaptive and error correction technique is developed, which is suitable for the finite volume method of lattice center format, which encrypts and optimizes the more sensitive grid area. In the content arrangement, it is divided into the following five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background of adaptive mesh technology and error estimation technology based on adjoint equation. As well as the domestic and foreign scholars in the grid adaptive technology and error correction technology, the main research content is given. Chapter two is numerical simulation method, the aerodynamic characteristics of this paper numerical simulation. Using the mature MFlow flow field solver, this chapter mainly introduces the construction and solution of the adjoint equation, and gives the error estimation technique of the objective function based on adjoint theory and unstructured grid. In order to reduce the residual error of the objective function as the target of adaptive and error correction, the comprehensive adaptive parameters are constructed. Chapter 3 is the adaptive strategy, and a comprehensive and better rough mesh generation method is proposed. Based on unstructured meshes, a polynomial interpolation method is proposed, which is suitable for the finite volume method of lattice center format. And compared with the interpolation method in the reference, the goal is to reduce the residual error after the error correction of the objective function. The adaptive criterion of mesh based on adjoint equation is constructed, and the optimization methods of adaptive post-grid are studied, including spatial mesh smoothing method and object surface mesh projection method. The flow of adaptive mesh and error correction based on adjoint equation is explored. Chapter 4th is an example for verification and analysis. In this chapter, the adaptive numerical simulation of the flow around the ONERA-M6 wing and the NACA0012 airfoil in different states is carried out, and the lift is obtained. The error correction of the objective function such as resistance is carried out. The mesh adaptive technique based on adjoint equation and the mesh adaptive method based on flow field characteristics are compared. The characteristics of the two adaptive methods are given. The examples are summarized and analyzed, and the encryption characteristics of the adaptive mesh technology based on the adjoint equation and the effect on the objective function are studied. The effect of object surface mesh projection method on adaptive process is analyzed, and suggestions for mesh generation in general CFD engineering applications are put forward. Chapter 5th is a summary and prospect, and the research work of this paper is reviewed. The shortcomings of the existing work are pointed out, and the future research direction is prospected.


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