[Abstract]:With the development of plasma experimental diagnosis and space satellite observation technology, In particular, the construction of the Space Plasma Environment Simulation and Research system (SPERF) and the launch of the "Magnetospheric Multiscale process" (MMS) International Satellite Exploration Program, The study of electron dynamics in electron inertial scale has attracted the attention of physicists and space scientists. However, as one of the most important methods to study plasma, the numerical simulation method for the study of electron dynamic behavior is not perfect: only the fluid approximate electron magnetic fluid (EMHD) model program, and no simulation program to study the kinetic effect are available. Therefore, the particle simulation model for the study of electron dynamics behavior is developed and the corresponding program codes are developed. In order to better study the physical process of space-time scale in the small space range of electronic inertial scale and fast time scale, we propose to develop epic (Electron Particle-in-Cell) model. Epic model is to treat electrons as particles and process them in PIC (Particle-in-Cell) program. When the ion is described by fluid, it can be used to simulate the electronic dynamic behavior effectively while considering the large scale fluid motion of ions. In this paper, the physical foundation of epic model is introduced in detail. Based on the basic hypothesis of epic model, the epic model equations are established, and the epic model equations are simplified under the fast scale approximation, and the model equations used in programming are obtained. Then, under the theoretical framework of epic model, we further construct the basic flow chart of epic numerical simulation method, and under the guidance of flow chart, construct the program realization method of coordinate system Yee grid and weight processing separately. At the same time, according to the characteristics of epic model, the two-dimensional Yee grid diagram is designed, and the electromagnetic field equation is discretized. Then the method of converting electromagnetic field from semi-grid to full-point grid is given. Finally, the computational stability condition of the program and the method of dealing with the electron on the boundary are discussed. The final completion of epic model of the numerical program code. By using the epic program, we simulated the magnetic reconnection process of space plasma, completed the verification of the program, and obtained the preliminary research results. Based on the introduction of the basic theory of magnetic reconnection correlation and the common magnetic reconnection model, the formation of Hall quadrupole field in magnetic reconnection process is analyzed. Then the magnetic reconnection phenomenon of the earth's magnetic tail is simulated by using epic numerical simulation program. The basic physical characteristics of the known magnetic reconnection phenomenon are obtained and the correctness of the program is verified. Furthermore, the process of driving magnetic reconnection is studied by epic model program. The results show that the size of external driving flow has a significant influence on the Hall quadrupole field and reconnection rate. The increase of driving flow can obviously enhance the Hall quadrupole structure and increase the reconnection rate of magnetic reconnection, at the same time, the influence of driving flow distribution on reconnection rate is analyzed. It is found that with the increase of driving flow spatial distribution width, The reconnection rate showed an upward trend on the whole. These work have laid a foundation for the study of various physical processes on the electronic inertial scale using epic.
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