[Abstract]:The influence of wall temperature control on laminar boundary layer and turbulent boundary layer is studied by applying temperature control to the flow of plate boundary layer with zero pressure gradient. The influence of temperature control on Reynolds number and wall friction resistance of plate transition was investigated. A three-equation turbulent model with transition model is used to simulate the boundary layer flow in a flat plate. The variation of wall friction coefficient, Reynolds number of plate transition and turbulent boundary layer flow with wall temperature are investigated. The results show that when the wall temperature increases from 288K to 432K, the Reynolds number increases by 36% and the friction resistance decreases by 9.6%. The results show that heating control increases the viscosity in the temperature boundary layer of laminar flow, decreases the Reynolds shear stress and turbulent kinetic energy, and makes the flow more stable. However, the velocity gradient and viscous shear stress in the viscous bottom of the turbulent boundary layer decrease, resulting in a decrease in the friction shear stress at the wall surface. Therefore, the wall heating control can delay the boundary layer transition, reduce the friction coefficient in the turbulent region, and reduce the friction resistance of the plate.
【作者单位】: 中国商用飞机有限责任公司民用飞机试飞中心;
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