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发布时间:2019-06-15 18:57
[Abstract]:The development process of spatial developable antenna with rope requires high accuracy and reliability, and the influence of rope structure is inevitable. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the effects of friction, damping and reaction force (torque) on the expansion stability of the flexible antenna caused by the friction, damping and reaction force (torque) caused by the rope and cable net in the flexible antenna. In this paper, the experimental study on the large developable structure with rope structure is carried out, the vibration response of the developable structure is measured, and the related exploratory experiments are carried out on the rope structure. Finally, the modeling and finite element analysis of "61" rope structure in microgravity environment are carried out by using finite element software. In the first part, the modal test of truss and cable net structure of annular developable antenna is carried out by hammering method, and then the test results are compared with the results of finite element analysis to verify the finite element model of the antenna and obtain the modal data of the antenna. In the second part, the mechanical properties of the rope which affect the dynamic stability of the developable structure are discussed. through the design test, the natural frequency characteristics of the rope under the action of tension, the dynamic transmission characteristics of the rope, and the dynamic response of the rope to each other are analyzed. In the third part, the rope which affects the stability of the developable antenna is simulated. The existing rope bending model and the applicable conditions of each model are analyzed. The "61" rope structure is modeled and analyzed by finite element software. Considering the contact and friction between rope wires, the equivalent bending modulus of rope model with different helix angles is calculated. Finally, the data results are compared with the existing theoretical models, and the results are analyzed, and the bending model of the rope structure suitable for spatial expansion structure is obtained. Through the experiment and simulation of the developable antenna, as well as the research of the rope structure, this paper provides a reference for the future research of the spatial structure of the cable network.


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