【作者单位】: 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院控制与仿真中心;中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院;
【关键词】: 覆盖控制 多阶段制导律控制 协同拦截
【正文快照】: 1 IntroductionGuidance laws for intercepting a moving target have traditionally been developed for one-on-one engagements.For example,the classical proportional navigation(PN)guidance lawl1]was the well known guidance law for a scenario between a flight
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
1 ;Differential geometric modeling of guidance problem for interceptors[J];Science China(Technological Sciences);2011年09期
2 ;Quasi-equilibrium glide adaptive guidance for hypersonic vehicles[J];Science China(Technological Sciences);2012年03期
3 ;Prediction-based guidance algorithm for high-lift reentry vehicles[J];Science China(Information Sciences);2011年03期
4 Zhao Yao;Sheng Yongzhi;Liu Xiangdong;;Sliding mode control based guidance law with impact angle constraint[J];Chinese Journal of Aeronautics;2014年01期
5 ;Adaptive guidance law design based on characteristic model for reentry vehicles[J];Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences);2008年12期
6 ;New three-dimensional guidance law for BTT missiles based on differential geometry and Lie-group[J];Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics;2011年04期
7 温求遒;夏群力;李冉;;Advanced optimal guidance law with maneuvering targets[J];Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology;2014年01期
8 ;Variable structure guidance law for attacking surface maneuver targets[J];Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics;2008年02期
9 桑保华;姜长生;;Three-dimensional nonlinear H_2/H_∞ guidance law based upon approach of solving the state feedback Nash balance point[J];Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology;2010年03期
10 LI KeBo;CHEN Lei;TANG GuoJin;;Improved differential geometric guidance commands for endoatmospheric interception of high-speed targets[J];Science China(Technological Sciences);2013年02期
中国重要会议论文全文数据库 前10条
1 Masamitsu Honma;;The new ICH guidance on genotoxicity[A];中国毒理学会第五次全国学术大会论文集[C];2009年
2 Niranjan Rao;;Ethnic factors in the acceptability of foreign clinical data:The role of ICH E5 guidance in international drug development[A];中国药理学会临床药理学专业委员会会议暨第十次全国临床药理学学术会议论文集[C];2007年
3 ;Research on Learning Guidance Based on I-E Mode in Higher Vocational Education[A];2011高等职业教育电子信息类专业学术暨教学研讨会论文集[C];2011年
4 Esther T.Stoeckli;;The morphogens Shh and Wnts cooperate in axon guidance[A];中国神经科学学会第九届全国学术会议暨第五次会员代表大会论文摘要集[C];2011年
5 ;A 3-dimensional robust guidance law with impact angle constraint[A];Proceedings of the 2011 Chinese Control and Decision Conference(CCDC)[C];2011年
6 YANG Song-hua;MAO Yao;;Data Preprocess of Target guidance in the Mobile ATP System[A];Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology(ICCSIT 2011)[C];2011年
7 Andy Furley;;The mechanisms by which neural adhesion molecules modulate responses to diffusible guidance cues[A];Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Society for Neuroscience[C];2009年
8 ;Wnt and cell polarity signaling in growth cone guidance[A];中国神经科学学会第九届全国学术会议暨第五次会员代表大会论文摘要集[C];2011年
9 ;Wnt and cell polarity signaling in axon guidance[A];Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Society for Neuroscience[C];2009年
10 李成利;Robert Blanco Sequmir;;The real-time MRI (0.23T open scanner) guidance and monitoring in percutaneous laser ablation of liver tumors[A];庆祝山东省医学影像学研究所建所30周年学术论文专刊[C];2005年