本文关键词:污泥与石油焦成浆絮凝结构及稳定性机理研究 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 污泥焦浆 稳定性 成浆性 空间结构强度 絮凝机理
[Abstract]:Municipal sludge is a solid waste produced in the treatment of municipal domestic sewage, which causes huge pollution and damage to the ecological environment. Petroleum coke is a by-product of delayed coking plant in petrochemical industry, because of its high sulphur content. Direct use of fuel will increase the boiler desulphurization load, high efficiency of high-sulfur petroleum coke, clean utilization has become a hot issue in the field of energy. City sludge and petroleum coke co-slurry gasification. The sludge flocculation structure can be used to improve the stability of water coke slurry and to save the heat needed for sludge dewatering, but the co-slurry concentration of sludge and petroleum coke is low, so it can not be applied on a large scale. And the mechanism of interaction between the two in the process of co-forming needs to be further studied. This paper studies the rheological characteristics and stability of two modifiers and the amount of sludge added to sludge coke slurry. The influence of slurry concentration and Zeta potential. The theoretical model of slurry stability was established by means of rotary viscometer and torque rheometer, and the spatial structure strength of slurry was quantitatively calculated for the first time with the help of SEM-EDX. Infrared spectrum analysis and other methods. The mechanism of sludge modification on the rheology and stability of mud coke slurry was discussed. The interaction mechanism between sludge and petroleum coke particles in co-slurry was studied. Using Fe2(SO4)3 and Ca(OH)2 to modify the sludge, the viscosity of the slurry was reduced with the addition of modifier, and with the increase of the amount of the modifier, the electric quantity of the slurry decreased. The electrostatic repulsion between particles decreases, the stability of slurry decreases, and the rate of water evolution increases. The rheological properties and stability of mud coke slurry are considered synthetically. The optimum addition amount of Fe2(SO4)3 and Ca(OH)2 modifier is 3% and 5 of sludge quality respectively. After adding sludge, the maximum slurry concentration is 62%. After sludge modification, the maximum pulp concentration was increased. Secondly, the theoretical model of the spatial structure strength of sludge coke slurry was established, and it was found that the unit mass energy consumption of shearing mud coke slurry was about 2-3 times of that of water coke slurry. Sludge can obviously improve the stability of water coke pulp, and the area of thixotropic ring of slurry can be increased with the addition of sludge. The results of SEM-EDX analysis show that the stability of slurry reflected by thixotropic ring area is consistent with the conclusion of two theoretical models. The sludge floc encapsulated petroleum coke particles formed a spatial network structure with a certain strength, and the hydrogen bonds formed by the -OH group and the -CH group in the sludge were used through bond cooperation. The composite coke particles are combined to form a stable structure, so as to enhance the stability of slurry. Finally, the particle size distribution and particle number of mud coke slurry are analyzed on line by FBRM. Sludge flocculation combined with petroleum coke particles to form large particles, so the number of large particles in the slurry increased, the number of small particles and the total number of particles decreased. The large size of flocculating particles connected to each other, forming a stable network structure. The stability of slurry can be improved by preventing the settling of petroleum coke particles. The polymer formed by the interaction of chain ring and tail chain between particles has a certain shear strength. The average particle size of slurry decreases with the increase of shear force. Then the flocculation of the slurry and the dynamic equilibrium of flocculation are achieved at the corresponding rotational speed. When the shear stress is restored, because a few floc structures are destroyed, the heavy flocculation can not be realized, so the total particle number in the slurry increases and the average particle size decreases.
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