本文关键词:我国海滩垃圾污染现状及控制对策 出处:《环境科学研究》2016年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:为明晰我国各海域的海滩垃圾污染状况及垃圾主要来源,在我国各海区选择24个代表性采样点,共86个调查样方,对我国各海域的海滩垃圾的种类、来源进行了详细调查和重点区域的跟踪调查.结果表明:我国海滩垃圾平均个数为1.03 m-2,其中塑料类最多(占37.37%),其次为泡沫类(占35.67%);总密度为15.91 g/m2,塑料类密度(3.62 g/m2)最大,其次为织物(布)类(2.87 g/m2)和木制品类(1.97 g/m2);主要来源是生活垃圾和旅游垃圾,分别占垃圾总量的39.26%和25.23%;对照国际国内相关调查资料,我国海洋垃圾的污染呈逐渐恶化的趋势,总体形势不容乐观.针对我国海洋垃圾的污染控制,提出应通过进一步海洋垃圾污染调查工作,从制订污染防治监督管理办法、编制污染防治专项规划等方面入手理清各部门管理权责;同时以政府为主导,联合公众、企业、NGO(非政府组织)等多方力量,建立海洋垃圾回收资源化示范点,开展海洋垃圾宣传、清理和海滩清扫活动等控制对策.
[Abstract]:In order to clarify China's the status of the sea beach garbage pollution and garbage in the main source of China's sea area selects 24 representative sampling points, a total of 86 plots, species in each area of China Beach garbage, sources tracked detailed survey and key areas. The results show that the beach trash our average number is 1.03 m-2, the maximum plastic (37.37%), followed by the foam (35.67%); the total density is 15.91 g/m2, the plastic density (3.62 g/m2), followed by the fabric (cloth) class (2.87 g/m2) and wooden category (1.97 g/m2); the main source is the garbage and tourism waste accounted for 39.26% of the total garbage, and 25.23%; the control of domestic and international information related to the investigation, the marine pollution waste in China is gradually deteriorating trend, the overall situation is not optimistic. According to China's marine garbage pollution control, we should further offshore. The garbage pollution investigation work, formulate management measures from pollution control supervision, pollution prevention planning preparation and other aspects to clarify the management responsibilities; at the same time, the government led, joint public enterprises, NGO (non-governmental organizations) such as multi power, garbage recycling resources establishment of marine demonstration, to carry out the marine garbage clean-up propaganda. And the beach cleaning activities and control measures.
【作者单位】: 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所近岸海域环境研究中心;
【基金】:中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(PM-zx021-201211-123) 2014年环境保护公益性行业科研专项经费项目(201409036)
【正文快照】: 近年来,海洋垃圾污染已成为国际广泛讨论的重大经济、政治、环境议题[1-2].根据UNEP(联合国环境规划署)的定义,海洋垃圾是指“海洋和海岸环境中具持久性的、人造的或经加工的固体废弃物”[3].海洋垃圾大多含有降解速率极慢的物质,包括石油及其产品、生活垃圾、重金属物质和放
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