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发布时间:2018-01-02 19:32

  本文关键词:双污泥—诱导结晶工艺处理生活污水特性及工艺优化研究 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 双污泥 诱导结晶 反硝化除磷 磷回收率 后置曝气

【摘要】:双污泥反硝化除磷系统,有效解决了传统脱氮除磷工艺中单一污泥体系所造成的泥龄矛盾、碳源和溶解氧竞争等多种问题。诱导结晶工艺可高效回收污水中的磷资源,产物纯度高、易分离,可直接用于工业生产。为此,本研究将反硝化聚磷理论和诱导结晶理论相结合,旨在得到高品质磷回收产物的同时降低生物除磷负荷,在低碳源、低能耗条件下取得稳定的脱氮除磷效果和较高的磷回收率,实现环境和经济双重效益。污泥的成功富集培养是系统稳定运行的前提,硝化污泥经过近35d的驯化,氨氮的去除率由16.30%逐渐上升并稳定在99%以上,平均硝化速率为2.10mgN/(gMLSS·h)。反硝化聚磷污泥经过先厌氧/好氧(20d),后厌氧/缺氧/好氧模式(60d)驯化,缺氧聚磷量占总聚磷量达到97.5%以上。批次实验结果证实,未经强化培养的好氧聚磷菌已具有一定的反硝化聚磷能力。相较于胞外碳源,微生物以内碳源进行反硝化和聚磷的速率最快,达到7.41mgN/(gMLSS·h),为3.63 mgP/(gMLSS·h)。在氮磷比不同的人工配水以及生活污水为进水条件下,对比考察A2N-SBR (Anaerobic Anoxic/Nitrification·SBR)、A2N-IC-SBR (Anaerobic Anoxic/Nitrification/ Induced Crystallization-SBR)及A2N-IC2-SBR (Anaerobic-Anoxic/Nitrification/ Secondary Induced Crystallization-SBR)工艺的脱氮除磷稳定性及磷回收效果。结果表明在进水COD为117~267mg/L、氨氮为16-39mg/L、TP为2~16mg/L的范围内,三组工艺对COD、氨氮和总氮的去除效果基本相同,平均去除率分别在89%、94%和83%左右,氮磷比的降低以及化学除磷的增加并没有对反硝聚磷菌吸收有机物和脱氮作用产生显著影响。A2N-IC-SBR和A2N-IC2-SBR的除磷效果和稳定性优于A2N-SBR。通过增加两级诱导结晶柱,结晶磷回收率、化学除磷量占总除磷量的比例分别上升至82%-90%和25%-27%,聚磷量/释磷量显著下降,生物除磷负荷得以减轻。然而在处理实际生活污水时,一级诱导结晶柱的磷回收率较人工配水时下降了约20%,波动性更加明显,而二级结晶总回收率仍可达80%左右,体现了多级诱导在磷资源回收中的优势。在进水磷浓度为20mg/L条件下,粒径较小的晶种(100~150目)在适宜曝气量下(250L/h)可取得较好磷回收效果,回收率和均相结晶率为64.53%和3.45%。进水中含有的碱度,有利于曝气提升pH值和羟基磷酸钙的结晶回收。曝气提升厌氧和硝化上清液的pH值,证实两者初始pH、pH提升速率以及最终pH值差距不大,但硝化上清液更加清澈,因此将诱导结晶柱串联于硝化池后具有可行性。对改进位置后的结晶反应器进行投药量优化实验,结果表明,[Ca2+]/[P043--P]摩尔比为2:1-3:1回收效果较好。工艺改进后,一级诱导结晶单元达到67.5%的磷回收效率。然而,优化后的工艺对二级诱导结晶柱的磷回收率改善并不明显,总回收率与优化前相接近,为78.0%左右。在缺氧段后增加短时曝气,有助于进一步提高系统对磷和氨氮的处理效果,同时在后置曝气阶段还可能发生一定量的同步硝化反硝化作用,具有一定的总氮去除效果。而延长后置曝气段HRT可能会引起系统内微生物种群的变化,不利于反硝化聚磷菌保持良好的的厌氧释磷,缺氧聚磷和好氧聚磷性能。在保证系统脱氮除磷效果的前提下,宜保持较短的后置曝气时间,在本实验条件下,宜采取0.5-1h。
[Abstract]:Two sludge denitrifying phosphorus removal system, effectively solves the contradiction between the traditional and single sludge sludge age system of nitrogen phosphorus removal process caused by carbon source, dissolved oxygen and other problems. The competition induced crystallization process of phosphorus resource in sewage can be efficient recovery, high purity, easy separation, can be directly used in industrial production. Therefore, in this study, denitrifying phosphorus induced crystallization theory and theory of combination, in order to get high quality products while reducing the phosphorus recovery phosphorus load in low carbon source, low energy consumption under the condition of obtaining the removal effect of nitrogen and phosphorus and high phosphorus stable recovery, to achieve environmental and economic benefits. The success of sludge enrichment is the premise of the stable operation of the system, after nearly 35d of nitrifying sludge acclimation, ammonia nitrogen removal rate gradually increased from 16.30% and stabilized at above 99%, the average nitrification rate was 2.10mgN/ (gMLSS - H). Denitrifying phosphorus sludge after The first anaerobic / aerobic (20d), after anaerobic / anoxic / aerobic mode (60d) hypoxia acclimation, phosphorus total phosphorus content reached more than 97.5% batches. The experiment results proved that without strengthening the cultivation of aerobic denitrifying phosphorus bacteria have certain ability of denitrifying phosphorus compared to the extracellular. Micro organisms within the carbon source, carbon source for denitrification and phosphorus removal rate of the fastest, reaching 7.41mgN/ (gMLSS - H), 3.63 mgP/ (gMLSS - H). The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus artificial water and sewage water for different conditions, the comparative study of A2N-SBR (Anaerobic Anoxic/Nitrification SBR), A2N-IC-SBR (Anaerobic Anoxic/Nitrification/ Induced Crystallization-SBR) and A2N-IC2-SBR (Anaerobic-Anoxic/Nitrification/ Secondary Induced Crystallization-SBR) technology of nitrogen and phosphorus removal effect of phosphorus recovery stability. The results show that when the influent COD is 117 ~ 267mg/L, ammonia nitrogen is 16-39mg/L, TP is 2 ~ 16 The range of mg/L, the three group of technology of COD, ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen removal efficiency is basically the same, the average removal rate were 89%, 94% and 83%, the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus decrease and increase of chemical phosphorus removal and no denitrification phosphorus absorption of organic matter and nitrogen removal effect was significantly influenced by phosphorus removal in.A2N-IC-SBR and A2N-IC2-SBR and the stability of A2N-SBR. is better than by adding two level induced crystallization column, crystallization phosphorus recovery rate, chemical phosphorus removal accounted for the proportion of the total quantity of phosphorus were increased to 82%-90% and 25%-27%, the amount of P / poly phosphorus release was significantly decreased, the load can be reduced. However, the biological phosphorus removal in municipal wastewater treatment, phosphorus recovery level the column induced crystallization rate by approximately 20% lower than the artificial water distribution, volatility is more obvious, and the total recovery rate is still two levelcrystallization up to about 80%, reflecting the multistage induction in phosphorus resource recovery. The advantage in the influent concentration of phosphorus was 20mg Under the condition of /L, the smaller size of the seed (100 ~ 150) in the appropriate aeration rate (250L/h) can achieve better effect and the recovery rate of phosphorus recovery, homogeneous crystallization rate of alkalinity contained 64.53% and 3.45%. in the influent, aeration crystallization conducive to recovery of raising pH and hydroxyl calcium phosphate aeration. Enhance the anaerobic and nitrification supernatant of pH, confirmed that the two initial pH, pH increase rate and the final pH value of the gap is not big, but the nitrification supernatant was more clear, so the induced crystallization column in series is feasible. In the nitrification tank after the crystallization reaction is improved after the location of optimized dose, the results show that the molar ratio of [Ca2+]/[P043--P] is better 2:1-3:1 recovery effect. The improved process level induced crystallization phosphorus recovery efficiency reached 67.5% units. However, after the optimization process of phosphorus recovery two column induced crystallization rate improvement is not obvious, and the total recovery rate optimization Before the close, about 78%. Increase the short-time aeration in anoxic stage, help to further improve the treatment effect of phosphorus and ammonia system, simultaneous nitrification and denitrification and may also occur in a certain amount in the post aeration stage, with the total nitrogen removal efficiency to some extent. And prolonged post aeration period may HRT caused by the change of microbial population in the system, is not conducive to the denitrifying phosphorus removal bacteria to maintain good anaerobic phosphorus release, anoxic phosphorus and aerobic phosphorus accumulation in the premise to ensure the system performance. The removal effect of nitrogen and phosphorus, should keep short post aeration time, under the experimental conditions, should adopt 0.5-1h.



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