本文关键词:基于遥感的赣江流域生态环境质量综合评价研究 出处:《江西理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:生态环境为人类生存以及社会经济发展提供了良好的场所,其质量是经济可持续发展时间长短的量度,是完成生态文明建设的关键因素。经济的快速增长,人类活动的更加频繁,对生态环境造成严重干扰,对区域生态环境质量进行全面客观有效的评价,有助于及时了解区域生态环境质量状况,对制定相应治理保护措施有重要的指导意义,对实现经济可持续发展具有十分重要的推动作用。本研究区域赣江流域位于江西省中部和南部,其面积约为84100km~2,占全省面积一半多,其生态环境质量对全省社会经济具有重要影响。对赣江流域生态环境质量进行综合评价,不仅对流域内乃至于整个江西省环境治理与保护和社会经济可持续发展有着重要的战略意义。本文以遥感和地理信息系统原理和技术为支撑,选取1994、2004年Landsat TM和2014年OLI三期遥感影像为主要数据,结合DEM、统计数据以及气象资料,针对研究区域特点,参照《生态环境评价技术规范》,选取生物丰度、植被覆盖度、水网密度、土地退化以及社会经济因素五个因子,构建生态环境综合评价体系。选取综合指数法对研究区域生态环境进行评价,同时确定等级以及做了相关分析,在此基础上对各个指标完成了定量分析以及生态环境质量影响,同时生成个指标相应的专题图。评价结果显示:(1)生物丰度以及植被覆盖度指数比较高,两者共同作用对生态环境综合指数造成比较大的影响,在两者指数值高的年份生态环境综合指数也高,两者变化趋势与生态环境综合指数一致。(2)土壤侵蚀指数由1994年的75.1881到2004年的57.4056再到2014年的44.3158,由于土壤侵蚀指数是逆向指标值越大土壤状况越恶劣,结果表明在研究年间,土壤侵蚀退化情况逐年好转。(3)社会经济指数1994年、2004年和2014年分别为63.1636、74、4826和85.3571,指数呈现直线上升趋势,说明人类活动对生态环境质量干扰越来越严重。(4)在研究年生态环境质量评价综合指数由1994年的65.1626下降到2004年的62.9033,在上升到2014年的67.4433。在1994到2004年间流域内生态环境综合指数变化为-2.2593,表明生态环境质量存在略微恶化现象,2004到2014年间生态环境综合指数变化为4.54,表明生态环境有好转,在1994到2014年间生态环境综合指数变化为2.2807,说明生态环境整体有变好的趋势。在研究年生态环境综合指数均处于55到75之间,属于良好范围。(5)在研究的三个年度,赣江流域生态环境质量主要是处于一般和良好这两个等级。流域内差和优两个等级所占比例比较小,其中差等级三年所占比例均小于2%,而优在1994和2004年占的比例还不足1%;流域较差等级所占比例也不低,处于12%到17%之间。整体上看,赣江流域生态环境质量还是比较高,整体均处于良等级。
[Abstract]:Ecological environment provides a good place for human survival and social and economic development, its quality is a measure of the duration of sustainable economic development, is the key factor to complete the construction of ecological civilization, and the rapid economic growth. The more frequent human activities, the serious disturbance to the ecological environment, the comprehensive, objective and effective evaluation of the regional ecological environment quality is helpful to understand the regional ecological environment quality in time. It has important guiding significance to the corresponding management and protection measures, and has a very important role in promoting the realization of sustainable economic development. The Ganjiang River basin is located in the middle and south of Jiangxi Province. Its area is about 84100km2, accounting for more than half of the whole province area, its ecological environmental quality has an important impact on the social economy of the province. The ecological environmental quality of Ganjiang River basin is evaluated synthetically. It has important strategic significance not only for the environmental control and protection and the sustainable development of society and economy in the basin but also for the whole Jiangxi Province. This paper is based on the principles and techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system, and chooses 1994. The remote sensing images of Landsat TM in 2004 and OLI in 2014 are the main data, combined with demm, statistical data and meteorological data, aiming at the characteristics of the study area. With reference to the Technical Specification for Ecological Environment Assessment, five factors were selected: biological abundance, vegetation coverage, water network density, land degradation and social and economic factors. The comprehensive evaluation system of ecological environment is constructed. The comprehensive index method is selected to evaluate the ecological environment of the study area. At the same time, the grade is determined and the relevant analysis is made. On this basis, the quantitative analysis and ecological environmental quality of each index are completed, and a corresponding thematic map of the indicators is generated. The evaluation results show that the biological abundance and vegetation coverage index are relatively high. The combined effect of the two on the ecological environment comprehensive index is relatively large, in the year of high index value, the ecological environment comprehensive index is also high. The change trend of both is consistent with the comprehensive index of ecological environment. The soil erosion index increased from 75.1881 on 1994 to 57.4056 on 2004 and 44.3158 on 2014. Because the soil erosion index is the reverse index, the worse the soil condition is, the results show that the soil erosion degradation has improved year by year in the year of study. In 2004 and 2014, it was 63.1636, 744,826 and 85.3571, respectively. The index showed a linear upward trend. It shows that the disturbance of human activities to the ecological environment quality is becoming more and more serious. The comprehensive index of eco-environmental quality assessment decreased from 65.1626 in 1994 to 62.9033 in 2004. It increased to 67.4433 in 2014. From 1994 to 2004, the comprehensive index of ecological environment in the basin changed to -2.2593, indicating that there was a slight deterioration of ecological environment quality. From 2004 to 2014, the comprehensive index of ecological environment changed to 4.54, indicating that the ecological environment had improved, and the comprehensive index of ecological environment changed to 2.2807 from 1994 to 2014. It shows that the ecological environment as a whole has a trend of improvement. In the year of study, the comprehensive index of ecological environment is between 55 and 75, which belongs to the good range. 5) in the three years of study. The ecological environmental quality of Ganjiang river basin is mainly in the general and good grades. The proportion of difference and excellent in the basin is relatively small, in which the proportion of three years of difference is less than 2%. The proportion of you in 1994 and 2004 was less than 1. On the whole, the ecological environment quality of Ganjiang River basin is still relatively high, and the whole basin is in good grade.
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