本文关键词:基于虚拟现实的袋式除尘器清灰仿真实验关键技术及应用研究 出处:《河北工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 袋式除尘器 虚拟现实 清灰实验仿真 虚拟现实建模语言 数值模拟
[Abstract]:Bag dust collector is a large scale and high efficiency dust removal equipment which is generally needed in the fields of coal, metallurgy, building materials, electric power and so on. With the increasingly serious environmental protection situation in China, the relevant regulatory measures are gradually strengthened. The market and personalized demand of bag dust collector are increasing rapidly. The problems such as long experimental period, low efficiency, high cost and high risk coefficient in the development of new products of traditional bag dust collector are obvious, such as long experimental period, low efficiency, high cost, high risk coefficient and so on. It can not meet the requirements of development speed and development quality of large-scale dust removal equipment. In view of the above problems, this paper applies the virtual reality technology to the pulse ash removal experiment of bag dust collector, with the help of numerical simulation, virtual reality modeling. Data driven simulation, interactive control and animation effect implementation technology, the preliminary establishment of virtual reality based on the bag dust filter ash removal simulation system. And some key problems of virtual reality simulation of pulse ash removal experiment are studied. The research contents and results are as follows: 1) the virtual reality simulation experiment technology. The theoretical basis and key technology of the virtual simulation experiment system design are studied, and the composition and the overall framework of the virtual reality simulation system for the pulse ash removal experiment of the bag dust collector are defined. The overall structure of the software and hardware system of the virtual simulation system is analyzed and designed. 2) the structure of the experimental device of bag dust collector, the influencing factors of ash removal performance, the evaluation index and the simulation mathematical model are analyzed. Numerical simulation experiments were carried out on the blowpipe area and filter bag area of the dust removal experimental device of bag dust remover using computational fluid dynamics software Fluent. The velocity values of the nozzle at different positions of the nozzle and the pressure field and velocity field eigenvalues in the filter bag were obtained. The key technology of virtual reality simulation of bag dust precipitator cleaning experiment is studied in order to analyze the cleaning performance of bag dust collector and establish the foundation of virtual simulation experiment. The virtual reality modeling language is used to model the appearance, function and behavior of the experimental device of bag dust collector, and a realistic 3D virtual model is generated. The virtual display of the structure of the experimental device was realized, and the soot cleaning flow was simulated by VRML particle system and data-driven simulation technology, and the soot cleaning experiment process was reappeared. In VC environment, a tabletop virtual reality simulation system for ash removal experiment of bag dust remover is built, and the hierarchical structure of the system is divided. The function and user interface of each module are designed, and the virtual reality simulation of the soot cleaning experiment with pulse injection under a certain operating condition parameter is preliminarily realized. The research shows that the virtual reality simulation technology is applied to the soot removal experiment of bag dust remover. It can partly replace the physical experiments which are difficult or time-consuming and expensive in reality. It plays an important role in shortening the experiment cycle, reducing the cost of the experiment and improving the efficiency of research and development. It also provides convenience for operator training, product presentation and virtual demonstration.
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