本文关键词: 水功能区 削减量分配 熵值法 改进的等比例分配法 出处:《扬州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The rational distribution of point source reduction in water function areas is of great significance to the protection of water environment quality and the promotion of economic and social development within water function areas. However, at present, there are few studies on the reduction and distribution of water pollutants in water function areas. The existing distribution scheme is not perfect in principle or method, and it is difficult to carry out. This paper takes the ancient canal Yangzhou landscape entertainment and industrial water use area of Yangzhou as an example. Based on the principle of fairness in reducing quantity distribution, taking into account the difference of economic and technical level of each sewage unit, the main line of allocation of "water function area-pollution source" is put forward, and the improved equal proportion distribution method is adopted. According to the principle of fairness, the distribution results of the economic status of each sewage unit are given consideration. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) by summarizing the indexes of total quantity control, water environmental capacity, and allowable amount of sewage in the receiving waters, the following conclusions can be obtained: total amount distribution, The distribution of environmental capacity, the distribution of allowable discharge and the distribution of reduced amount are basically the same in essence. It shows that the scientific and reasonable distribution of the reduction of each point source is also one of the key problems in achieving the goal of total quantity control. This paper points out that the Gini coefficient method is not suitable for the study of point source allocation in specific water function areas, which reflects the fairness and difference of the distribution of the reduced amount, and gives consideration to the practical maneuverability of the four distribution methods, and points out that the Gini coefficient method is not suitable for the distribution of point sources in specific water function areas. The author has improved the method of equal proportion distribution. The index system covers five aspects: industry characteristics, treatment cost, pollution source location, technological maturity of wastewater treatment and economic bearing capacity of enterprises. On the basis of previous studies, the index of industry characteristics is added, and the discharge amount of added value per unit industry is used to characterize the water quality of 68 water function areas in Yangzhou City in 2013. The water quality reaches the standard rate of only 59.4%, compared with the planning target of 2015, there is still a certain gap. It is necessary to control the amount of pollutants discharged into the river in the water function area. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably reduce the pollutants discharged from each discharge outlet in the water function area. (4) take Yangzhou ancient canal landscape entertainment and industrial water use area as an empirical study. According to the index weight obtained by entropy method, the weight of sewage discharge per unit industrial added value is the largest among all the factors, which shows that the influence on distribution is also the biggest, and the influence of other factors from big to small is: net profit. The results are compared with those of the control section, the cost of water treatment per ton, the removal rate of pollutants from industrial wastewater, the distribution results of the equal proportion distribution method and the improved equal proportion distribution method, although the distribution results are not completely consistent. However, the distribution results of the improved equal proportion distribution method are basically consistent with the trend of the equal proportion distribution method, which shows that the effects of industry characteristics, pollution source location and other factors on the distribution results are well reflected.
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