发布时间:2018-03-05 06:42
本文选题:胜利原油 切入点:溢油分散剂 出处:《青岛理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着海洋石油开采平台的增多以及海洋运输量的加大,海洋溢油事件频发,化学分散剂主要由溶剂和表面活性剂组成,在溢油应急处理中得到广泛应用。然而,分散剂本身具有毒性,其作用于石油后形成的乳化液对海洋生物的影响尚不明了。海洋微藻是鱼虾蟹类等海洋动物幼体的优质植物性饵料,并且具备培养周期短、敏感度高的特点。因此,本文选用三种胶州湾代表性藻类——青岛大扁藻、绿色巴夫藻和三角褐指藻,研究了乳化液对三种微藻的急性毒性,并与溢油分散剂和物理分散后形成的原油分散液进行了比较。研究结果表明:(1)在原油分散液加入GM-2分散剂后(浓度范围0~105 mg/L),所形成的乳化液毒性小于分散液的毒性。原油分散液对青岛大扁藻、绿色巴夫藻和三角褐指藻的96 h-EC50分别为5.44 mg/L、3.8 mg/L和1.35 mg/L,而原油乳化液对以上三种藻体的96 h-EC50为33.09 mg/L、31.81 mg/L和13.01 mg/L。分散剂对三种藻的96h-EC50值分别是81.20 mg/L、75.46 mg/L和65.80 mg/L。从三种海洋微藻的96 h半数抑制浓度可以看出,分散液的半数抑制浓度值远低于乳化液和分散剂的半数抑制值,三者的毒性大小顺序为:原油分散液原油乳化液溢油分散剂。(2)三种藻体的敏感性顺序为:三角褐指藻绿色巴夫藻青岛大扁藻。在分散剂、原油分散液和原油乳化液胁迫下,根据三种微藻细胞光密度的96 h-EC50值及叶绿素a的96 h-EC50-chl-a值,得到三种藻体的光密度变化敏感顺序是:三角褐指藻绿色巴夫藻青岛大扁藻。也就是说三角褐指藻是三种藻体中最敏感的藻体。(3)根据96 h半数抑制浓度可知,三种微藻叶绿素a的敏感性均高于藻体光密度的敏感性。同藻体光密度相比,更适于作为及时反映油污染状况的指标。综上,可知,在石油污染海水中加入分散剂(浓度范围0~105 mg/L)并不会加大原油的急性毒性,并且三角褐指藻的叶绿素a为三种藻体中最敏感的指标,更适于评价乳化液、分散液及分散剂的毒性大小。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increase of offshore oil exploitation platform and the increase of ocean transportation, marine oil spills occur frequently. The chemical dispersants are mainly composed of solvents and surfactants, which are widely used in the emergency treatment of oil spills. The dispersant itself is toxic, and its effect on marine life is unclear. Marine microalgae is a good plant feed for marine animals such as fish, shrimp and crab, and has a short culture period. Therefore, three kinds of representative algae in Jiaozhou Bay were selected to study the acute toxicity of emulsion to three kinds of microalgae. Compared with oil spill dispersant and crude oil dispersion formed by physical dispersion, the results show that the toxicity of the emulsion is less than that of the dispersion solution when the crude oil dispersion is added to the GM-2 dispersant (the concentration range is 0 ~ 105mg / L ~ (-1)). Crude oil dispersions to the algae of Tsingtao, The 96h-EC50 of Pav green and Phaeopsis triangularis were 5.44 mg / L 3.8 mg/L and 1.35 mg / L, respectively, while the 96h-EC50 of crude oil emulsion for the three algae was 33.09 mg / L 31.81 mg/L and 13.01 mg / L respectively. The values of 96h-EC50 of dispersant for the three species of algae were 81.20 mg 路L ~ (-1) mg/L and 65.80 mg 路L ~ (-1), respectively, and the values of 96 h-EC50 for the three species of algae were 81.20 mg / L ~ (-1) mg/L and 65.80 mg 路L ~ (-1), respectively. The half inhibitory concentration of microalgae at 96 h can be seen. The half inhibitory concentration of the dispersion is much lower than that of the emulsion and dispersant. The order of toxicity of the three is as follows: crude oil dispersion, crude oil emulsion dispersant, oil spill dispersant.) the sensitivity order of the three algae bodies is: Phaeophyta triangularis green. Under the stress of dispersant, crude oil dispersion and crude oil emulsion, According to the optical density of three kinds of microalgae, 96 h-EC50 and 96 h-EC50-chl-a of chlorophyll a, The sensitive order of light density change of three species of alga was obtained as follows: Phaeophyta triangularis green, Phaeophyta Qingdao, that is to say, the most sensitive alga of the three species of alga.) according to the half inhibitory concentration of 96 h, the order of light density change of the three species of algae was obtained. The sensitivity of chlorophyll a of the three microalgae is higher than that of the light density of the algae, and it is more suitable to reflect the oil pollution in time than the light density of the algae. Adding dispersant (concentration 0 ~ 105mg / L) to oil-polluted seawater does not increase the acute toxicity of crude oil, and chlorophyll a of Phaeopsis triangularis is the most sensitive index of the three algae, so it is more suitable to evaluate emulsion. The toxicity of dispersions and dispersants.
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