本文选题:环境影响 切入点:IPAT模型 出处:《中国人口·资源与环境》2016年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:With the development of industrial civilization, it has become a subject of intense debate in academic circles to explore the social root of worsening environmental problems, from the single factor argument of population scale and technological level to the cultural background. The discussion of multi-factor theory, such as government type and consumption concept, explains horizontally from macro-social to micro-individual level, and finally forms the classical IPAT model of environmental impact. This paper attempts to explain the complex social dynamic mechanism of environmental problems. Through empirical research and theoretical study of IPAT model by domestic and foreign scholars, we find that: the dependent variables environmental impact I and the number of independent variables population in the model. The meaning of P, degree of affluence A and technical level T, In order to overcome the limitation of variables, firstly, by decomposing T variables in IPAT model, we further extend the multiple factors that may be neglected in the model. At the same time, in order to avoid the limitation of the same proportional linear variation of different factors in the model, the IPAT model is transformed into a nonlinear STIRPAT random model, which makes the values of each variable change with the observed value. Secondly, in order to overcome the deficiency of neglecting the difference of individual impact on environment in the research, this paper analyzes the disproportionate influence of minority privileged groups on the environment based on the theory of "double transformation". Finally, facing the difference and complexity of the analysis unit and the analysis situation, Based on the view of "world system theory", a discussion on global environmental degradation is carried out through the space-time and space-time of specific regions. The research shows that the development and evolution of IPAT model shows the relationship between environmental protection and economic development. Gradually moving from a pessimistic "zero-sum" conflict to a path of coordinated development, It is beneficial to explore more effective measures to deal with the global complex and severe environmental problems, and also has important theoretical and practical significance for promoting the construction of ecological civilization in China under the new normal.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学公共管理学院;重庆大学人口资源环境经济与管理研究中心;
【基金】:重庆市社会科学规划博士项目“基层主体参与环境政策执行过程的社会学研究”(编号:2014BS041) 中央高校重庆大学专项项目“社会力量参与环境治理的社会过程研究”(编号:2015CDJXY)
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