本文选题:含磷气溶胶 + 浓度分布 ; 参考:《中国科学技术大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Atmospheric aerosol is a very important component of atmospheric composition.On the one hand, aerosols influence global climate change by scattering and absorbing solar radiation and acting as ice core INs and cloud condensation nuclei (CCNs); on the other hand, aerosol is also an important component of matter and energy cycle in ecosystem.For marine ecosystems in particular, the transport and deposition of aerosols are important sources of nutrients, and studies have shown that phosphorus does not have a stable form in the gas phase (unlike carbon and nitrogen), so in the nutrients that these aerosols enter into the ocean,Phosphorus is of particular interest.The first part is the content and spatial distribution characteristics of total phosphorus in aerosols, including the analysis of their distribution reasons and sources.The second part is about the content of different components in phosphorus-containing aerosols and the possible causes.In this paper, metal elements, water-soluble ions and components including total phosphorus, organophosphorus and water-soluble phosphorus in aerosol samples on the third Arctic route in China were determined, combined with air mass trace inversion, source marker analysis, chlorophyll concentration, etc.The distribution characteristics, sources and environmental significance of phosphorus aerosols in the marine boundary layer are discussed.The influencing factors and the main sources of phosphorus aerosols in the marine boundary layer are summarized.The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the concentration of total phosphorus in the aerosols of the entire Arctic scientific exploration route varies greatly, with an average concentration of 718 ng / m3. The average concentrations of total phosphorus in the East Asian Sea, the Northwest Pacific, and the Arctic Ocean are all around 7ng/m3.It is worth noting that the observed values in the Arctic Ocean are much higher than the predicted concentrations in the previous literature.) the inorganic phosphorus in aerosols is the largest component of all phosphorus elements, accounting for an average of about 86.6 percent of total phosphorus, corresponding to, of course,.The analysis of organic phosphorus is also an important component. The analysis shows that the mineral aerosol produced by the crust is the main source of phosphorus, and it is found that the ratio of phosphorus to iron in the aerosol of crustal source is not identical in different sea areas.This ratio is the lowest in the East Asian seas, which may be due to the high dust ratio in the crustal aerosols in the East Asian Sea area, and the increase of the dust ratio in the source with the increase of latitude, which leads to this phenomenon.At the same time, we found that in the East Asian Sea, the effect of anthropogenic sources on phosphorous aerosols is more obvious, but for the three sea areas we studied, the contribution of phosphorous aerosols from Yu Hai's salt source is relatively stable. (4) for most samples, the crustal source,Artificial sources, sea salt sources can not explain all phosphorus aerosols, there are one or more other sources of influence, according to the current analysis results and research conclusions, the most likely source is the atmospheric aerosol produced by marine primary organisms.
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