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发布时间:2018-05-03 00:31

  本文选题:财税政策 + 环境治理 ; 参考:《新疆财经大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The five provinces in Northwest China are undeveloped areas with fragile ecology. The problems of economic backwardness exist for a long time, the level of ecological environment protection and the sustainable development ability are low for a long time. People are driven by the short-term economic benefits to overexploit and utilize natural resources, thus neglecting the ecological balance. The improvement of ecological environment has to vigorously implement the return of farmland to forest, return pasture to grass project; on the other hand, in order to promote industrialization and urbanization, the precious arable land and grassland have to be occupied by a large margin. The conflict relationship between ecological protection and economic construction has become an unavoidable obstacle to development. The conflict between development is becoming more and more serious. How to solve this problem is the problem we need to face at the present stage. As a public product with significant external effects, only the government can become an irreplaceable supply body, because the existence space and benefit range of the environmental protection public products are obvious. The local government has become the executive subject of environmental protection and governance. In 2007, when the government carried out the reform of budget and expenditure, the government formally put environmental protection expenditure on all levels of government expenditure budget, and the environmental protection work became more transparent, indicating that the government began to consider and attach importance to ecology while developing the economy. The environmental capacity and resource carrying capacity constraints, this reform is not only conducive to the promotion of environmental protection and management, but also helps the sustainable economic growth. The ecological vulnerability and economic backwardness coexist in Northwest China, and the task of coordinating environmental protection with economic development is arduous, and the government needs to guide the government through fiscal and tax policies in order to achieve the development. In order to protect the environment and develop the environment in the protection of the environment, the goal of environmental protection and economic development is unified. The environmental finance and tax policies comprehensively use the financial expenditure, tax and charge and other means to adjust or influence the market behavior of the economic subject according to the law of value. The purpose is to realize the mutual coordination between the economic development and nature and the ecological environment. Policy and tax policy have advantages and disadvantages. Single policy is difficult to achieve the best effect. The two should complement each other and play a joint force. Fiscal policy tends to direct investment in environmental protection funds. Tax policies tend to punish environmental behavior and encourage environmental behavior. The investment in environmental protection expenditure in local finance is limited. Under the background, full play of the two aspects of Finance and tax, mutual support and supplement, more conducive to the protection of the ecological environment, but for the local government of the northwest five provinces, under the limited funds to undertake higher than the other provinces of environmental governance responsibility, it is legal and effective to externalize the environmental problems fully internalized, The northwest five provinces, which belong to the underdeveloped western regions, are different from the other provinces and cities in the West. The Northwest has the similar characteristics of rich resources but fragile environment, especially in the contradiction between economic development and environmental protection. Therefore, this paper selects the relevant data of these five provinces to study and analyze in the West. In order to explore the effect of fiscal and tax policies on environmental governance in the course of the development of the North five provinces, in order to explore the effects of fiscal and tax policies on environmental governance in the northwest, this paper, based on a certain theoretical basis, first expounds the mechanism of its environmental governance from the perspective of fiscal and tax means to promote environmental pollution control and the current environment of the northwest region. An empirical study on the effects of fiscal and tax policies on environmental governance was carried out by the analysis of the implementation of the policy and fiscal and tax policies. In the empirical study on the effect of fiscal policy on the environmental governance in Northwest China, it was found that the environmental protection expenditure had a significant inhibitory effect on the emission reduction of waste water and sulfur dioxide in the empirical study of the environmental governance effect in the northwest of China. It has not played an active role in controlling the emission reduction of industrial solid waste. In the empirical study on the effect of the tax policy on the environmental governance in Northwest China, it is found that different taxes have different effects on environmental governance. The collection of resources tax has some effect on the emission reduction of waste water, but the emission of two sulfur dioxide and industrial solid waste has not been brought into play. The expropriation of urban maintenance and construction tax is positively related to waste water, sulfur dioxide and solid waste emissions and has not played an inhibitory effect. From the empirical analysis of this paper, the current fiscal policy and tax policy have not fully played a positive role in the process of environmental governance in the five northwest provinces, especially the tax policy. The effect is not ideal, and it needs further reform and improvement. Therefore, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the northwest environmental governance from the four aspects of the division of financial power, the improvement of fiscal policy, the optimization of tax means and other related measures, which will promote the process of environmental protection through multiple angles and multiple subjects, with a view to improving the environmental protection process. The purpose of Northwest ecological environment is to promote sustainable development of mankind.



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