本文选题:政府职能 + 农村生态环境 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, the situation of rural ecological environment in our country is very severe. The study on rural ecological environment governance is the key to solve the problem of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", and is also the realistic need of the protection of rural ecological environment in China at present. Some functions of our government in the protection of rural ecological environment can not adapt to the changes and requirements of the new situation, so it is urgent to carry out reform and strengthening. This paper takes the rural ecological environment of Yongchun County as the research object, uses the literature research method and the field investigation method, selects from the government management angle to explore the government in the countryside ecological environment protection management function deep level question. This paper first introduces the present situation of rural ecological environment protection in Yongchun County and the performance of government functions in the process of protection, then applies the knowledge of public management to analyze the problems existing in the process of performing government functions, and analyzes the reasons for the problems. Finally, from the government's environmental coordination function, environmental governance function and environmental supervision function to improve the government management in the rural ecological environment protection of Yongchun County. The conclusion of the study is: to establish the assessment system of green GDP for sustainable development, to straighten out the functions and responsibilities of environmental governance in various government departments, and to establish a division of labor system of "unification and efficiency, orderly operation, equal power and responsibility"; It is necessary to improve the government's ability of environmental supervision and play the supporting role of social forces in carrying out the ecological function of the government. This study is of great theoretical significance for exploring a set of countermeasures and measures for ecological environment management and management in accordance with the current rural reality in our country, and it is also of great theoretical significance for finding a better management way to solve the rural ecological environment problems. It is of high practical value to build an environmental-friendly society in an all-round way.
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