本文选题:区域 + 大气污染 ; 参考:《云南大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the deepening of industrialization and the widening gap of regional development, the atmospheric environment is becoming more and more serious and the trend of regionalization is becoming more and more obvious. The traditional one-sided governance mode is not enough to deal with the current situation, so it is one of the key points of the current work to discuss the inter-regional cooperation and adopt the mode of joint defense control. The research content of this paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the basic concepts and summarizes the joint control of regional air pollution, and then analyzes the necessity of joint control and the development process of the joint control of air pollution in China. The second part focuses on the experience of the joint control of regional air pollution in foreign countries, mainly introduces the measures and measures adopted by the United States and the European Union in this field, and analyzes and summarizes the enlightenment brought to us by these experiences. The third part analyzes the existing problems in our work, including the dilemma of game between the subjects, the defects of the legislative system, the chaos of the regulatory system, and the lack of a long-term unified system, in combination with the current situation of regional air pollution prevention and control in China. Local protection prevails, accountability is weak and other content. In the last part, the author puts forward his own views on how to perfect the legal mechanism of the joint control of regional air pollution in China. From the three aspects of legislation, law enforcement and accountability, this paper puts forward to perfect the legislative system, update the guiding principles, establish a top-down management system, make clear the sharing of responsibilities, carry out joint law enforcement, and clarify the main body's responsibility. Suggestions on strengthening judicial protection and so on. To sum up, air pollution prevention and control is the focus of our current economic and social work, facing the trend of regionalization, joint prevention and control is a more reasonable and effective means at present. However, the prevention and control of regional air pollution in China started late, the relevant legal mechanism is not mature, perfect, and the resulting conflicts of interest have not been well resolved. It is necessary and meaningful to improve and perfect the legal mechanism of regional air pollution joint prevention and control in our country from the aspects of legislation, law enforcement and liability.
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