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发布时间:2018-07-02 08:28

  本文选题:酿酒废水 + 工艺比选 ; 参考:《武汉工程大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:白酒行业在国民经济中占有着重要地位,酒精生产工业是我国排放有机污染物浓度最高的行业。酿酒废水具有有机物浓度高、悬浮颗粒多、BOD/COD值较大等特点,是酿造业较难处理的一种废水,排放到河流中就会引起水体的严重富营养化,导致赤潮等现象。因此,探讨设计出一套经济有效的酿酒废水处理方案具有十分重要的意义。本文以天龙黄鹤楼酒业咸宁生态酿酒基地污水处理站工程为研究对象,该工程位于咸宁经济开发区,是黄鹤楼酒业咸宁酿酒基地的配套污水处理设施。本文针对黄鹤楼酒业酿造废水的特点,处理废水水量为100t/d,主要有机物浓度为:COD 20000 mg/L、NH3-N 45 mg/L,要求处理后的废水水质达到《发酵酒精和白酒工业水污染物排放标准》(GB27631-2011)中表2新建企业水污染物直排限值,COD 100 mg/L、NH3-N 10mg/L,查阅文献、比选方案、实地考察,提出适宜的废水处理工艺方案,分阶段研究完成废水处理工程设计。本文在前期查阅了大量的文献,比较分析了国内外酿酒废水的处理方法及其优缺点,初步确定酿酒废水处理工程要采用以生物处理法为主、物理化学法为辅的“厌氧—好氧”的组合处理技术。根据对天龙黄鹤楼酒业咸宁生态酿酒基地废水处理工程概况、废水水质和排放标准等进行充分分析的基础上,提出了“预处理—厌氧—好氧—精处理”的工艺技术路线,并将厌氧产沼气发电和曝气生物滤池(BAF)做好氧处理工艺应用在本工程中,厌氧工艺中对UASB、IC及EGSB反应器的处理效率、性能、投资成本等方面进行了预测比较,确定了二级UASB反应器为厌氧处理;好氧工艺中对CASS、SBR及BAF的投资、运行、工艺效果及管理等四个方面进行预测比较,确定了“SBR+二级BAF”作好氧处理;经过主体工艺的比选,确定了本工程废水处理工艺流程,即“预处理-UASB-SBR-BAF (C)-BAF (N)—气浮—纤维球过滤—紫外线消毒”。在本工程废水处理方案研究成果的基础上,完成了废水处理工艺的主要构筑物的设计及设备选型,对污水站的平面布置及高程设计进行了相应的要求,确保污水站能顺利运行。项目投产运行后,当地环境保护监测站对出水口进行了监测,监测结果表明,出水水质已达到《发酵酒精和白酒工业水污染物排放标准》(GB27631-2011)表2新建企业水污染物直接排放限值的要求,取得了较好的环境效益、经济效益和社会效益。本文所设计并实施的工艺路线及装置具有通用性,可为白酒行业酿造废水处理工程应用提供参考。
[Abstract]:Liquor industry occupies an important position in the national economy. Alcohol production industry is the industry with the highest concentration of organic pollutants in our country. The liquor making wastewater has the characteristics of high concentration of organic matter, many suspended particles and large BOD/COD value. It is a kind of wastewater which is difficult to be treated in the brewing industry. Therefore, it is of great significance to discuss the design of a set of economic and effective wastewater treatment scheme. This paper takes the project of sewage treatment station of Xianning ecological liquor making base of Tianlong Yellow Crane Tower wine industry as the research object, which is located in the Xianning Economic Development Zone, which is the supporting sewage of the Xianning liquor making base of the Yellow Crane Tower wine industry. According to the characteristics of the brewery wastewater in Yellow Crane Tower, this paper deals with the wastewater water quantity of 100t/d. The concentration of the main organic matter is COD 20000 mg/L and NH3-N 45 mg/L. The water quality of the treated wastewater is required to reach the standard of the water pollutant discharge of Table 2 of the newly built enterprise, COD 100 m, in Table 2 of the water pollutant discharge standard of fermented alcohol and liquor industry. G/L, NH3-N 10mg/L, consult the literature, compare the selection scheme, field investigation, put forward the suitable wastewater treatment process scheme, study the wastewater treatment project in stages. In this paper, a large number of literature was consulted in the earlier period, and the treatment methods and the advantages and disadvantages of the domestic and foreign liquor making wastewater were compared and analyzed. On the basis of the general situation of wastewater treatment engineering in Xianning ecological liquor making base of Tianlong Yellow Crane Tower wine industry, wastewater quality and discharge standard, the technological technology of "pre location anaerobic aerobic fine treatment" was put forward. The anaerobic process of anaerobic biogas generating and biological aerated filter (BAF) is used in this project. The treatment efficiency, performance and investment cost of UASB, IC and EGSB reactors are predicted and compared in anaerobic process. The two stage UASB reactor is determined as anaerobic treatment, and CASS, SBR and BAF are invested in aerobic process. In the four aspects of operation, process effect and management, the "SBR+ two grade BAF" was determined, and the process flow of the wastewater treatment was determined by the comparison of the main process, that is, "pretreated -UASB-SBR-BAF (C) -BAF (N) - air floatation fiber ball filtration - ultraviolet disinfection". On the basis of the research results, the design and equipment selection of the main structures of the wastewater treatment process were completed. The layout and elevation design of the sewage station were required to ensure the smooth operation of the sewage station. After the project was put into operation, the local environmental protection monitoring station monitored the outlet. The monitoring results showed that the effluent water was water. The quality has reached the requirement of the water pollutant discharge standard of "fermented alcohol and liquor industry" (GB27631-2011), table 2, which has achieved good environmental benefits, economic benefits and social benefits. The process routes and devices designed and implemented in this paper can be used as the brewery wastewater treatment workers in the liquor industry. Cheng Yingyong provides a reference.


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