S zorb催化汽油吸附脱硫装置及配套系统环境风险评价实例研究
本文选题:催化汽油吸附脱硫装置 + 环境风险评价 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,我国城市汽车保有量呈不断上升趋势,为了降低汽车尾气造成的大气污染,我国汽油质量标准随之也不断提升,并计划于2017年在全国范围内供应国V标准的车用汽、柴油。S Zorb催化裂化汽油吸附脱硫技术(简称S Zorb技术)是美国康菲石油公司(Conoco Phillips公司)开发研制的,主要针对催化裂化汽油(FCC汽油)进行馏分的吸附脱硫技术,该技术具有耗氢量少、脱硫率高、辛烷值损失小等特点,是现有生产超低硫汽油、进行油品质量升级的关键技术之一。2007年,我国首个S Zorb催化裂化汽油吸附脱硫装置在中国石油化工集团公司的北京燕山分公司建成,投产之后,中国石油化工集团公司整体收购了该技术,并对该技术进行了国产化的改进。本论文以某企新建的S zorb催化汽油吸附脱硫装置及配套系统为例,针对该装置进行环境风险评价实例研究。论文参考《建设项目环境风险评价技术导则》等导则、标准建议的评价方法,以S zorb催化汽油吸附脱硫装置及配套系统为研究对象,在对研究区域的调研数据的基础上,从风险识别、确定评价等级、最大可信事故及源项分析、风险影响预测等方面开展风险评价工作,并提出环境风险应急和管理措施。预测软件为大气环评专业辅助软件(EIA ProA)。研究发现,设备所涉及的主要原料、产品及中间产品均属于易燃易爆、有毒有害物质。生产系统构成重大危险源,主要风险事故为火灾、爆炸及有毒有害物质泄漏。风险预测结果显示,本工程酸性气管线SO2风险事故时未出现半致死浓度和伤害浓度;汽油燃烧伴生污染物CO的风险事故半致死浓度的最大范围为15m。根据项目周边区域敏感目标排查结果可知,1500m范围内无常驻居民。项目建立水体污染事故三级防控系统,该措施可有效控制本项目事故污水不出厂区。环境风险管理方面,企业制定了《公司突发事故(件)应急总预案》以及各个专项预案。最终可将环境风险事故造成的环境影响控制在可以接受的范围内。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the number of cars in cities in China has been on the rise. In order to reduce the air pollution caused by automobile exhaust, the gasoline quality standard of our country is also continuously raised, and it is planned to supply the vehicle gas of V standard in the whole country in 2017. Diesel oil. S Zorb catalytic cracking gasoline adsorption desulfurization technology (S Zorb technology) is developed by Conoco Phillips of the United States, mainly for FCC gasoline (FCC gasoline) adsorption desulfurization technology. This technology has the characteristics of low hydrogen consumption, high desulfurization rate, low octane number loss and so on. It is one of the key technologies for producing ultra-low sulfur gasoline and upgrading the quality of oil products. The first S Zorb FCC gasoline adsorption desulfurization unit in China was built in Beijing Yanshan Branch of China Petrochemical Group Company. After putting into production, China Petrochemical Group Company acquired the technology as a whole. And the improvement of this technology is made at home. In this paper, a new S zorb catalytic gasoline adsorption desulfurization plant and its supporting system are taken as an example to study the environmental risk assessment of the plant. With reference to the guidelines for Environmental risk Assessment of Construction projects and the evaluation methods recommended by the standard, the paper takes S zorb catalytic gasoline adsorption desulfurization unit and its supporting system as the research object, and based on the investigation data of the research area, the paper introduces the research results of the system. Risk assessment is carried out from risk identification, evaluation grade, maximum credible accident and source term analysis, risk impact prediction and so on, and environmental risk emergency and management measures are put forward. The prediction software is EIA (EIA ProA). It is found that the main raw materials, products and intermediate products are flammable, explosive, toxic and harmful substances. Production system constitutes a major hazard, the main risk accidents are fire, explosion and leakage of toxic and harmful substances. The results of risk prediction show that there is no semi-lethal concentration and injury concentration in the case of SO2 in the acidic trachea of this project, and the maximum range of the semi-lethal concentration of CO in gasoline combustion is 15m. According to the survey results of sensitive targets in the surrounding area of the project, there are no resident residents within 1500 m. The project establishes the water pollution accident prevention and control system, this measure can effectively control this project accident sewage does not come out of the factory area. In the aspect of environmental risk management, the enterprise has formulated the company emergency plan and each special plan. Finally, the environmental impact caused by environmental risk accidents can be controlled within acceptable range.
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