[Abstract]:Air pollution has become an important factor affecting the quality of life of Chinese urban residents. It not only directly affects people's health and life span, but also has negative effects on people's working efficiency, mood, outdoor activity frequency, consumption travel and social interaction willingness, and further reduces the city's economic and social vitality. Taking Beijing as an example, this paper studies whether air pollution will affect the frequency of eating out by using the Dianping online review data and the PM2.5 concentration data released by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. And whether the effects of air pollution on mood affect people's evaluation of restaurants of the same quality. The results show that air pollution can reduce the dining frequency and satisfaction of residents on the basis of controlling other influencing factors. The quantitative results of this paper show the intensity of urban residents' willingness to avoid air pollution, which is helpful to accurately assess the impact of pollution on social and economic activities and residents' quality of life.
【作者单位】: 清华大学建设管理系;清华大学恒隆房地产研究中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(71273154;71322307) 教育部新世纪人才支持计划(NCET-12-0313)
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