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发布时间:2018-07-25 19:49
[Abstract]:The rapid development of industrialization and urbanization has brought about the consumption of energy and resources. The environmental pollution caused by the consumption of resources has made the air pollution of our province serious. The Guanzhong urban agglomeration has become one of the most serious air pollution areas in China. Is listed as the national air pollution prevention and control area, "three regions ten groups." According to the newly revised environmental air quality evaluation standard, Guanzhong and northern Shaanxi cities are not up to the standard, especially in Xi'an area. According to the new state standards, Xi'an has only 5 days of good standards in the first quarter of this year, accounting for 5.6% of the total number of days in the first quarter. During this period, the average of PM2.5 days has been "exploded" many times, with a maximum of 499 micrograms per cubic meter. It is 6.7 times the national standard (daily average of 75 micrograms / cubic meter). In the first quarter of this year, Xi'an ranked the seventh lowest of 74 cities in the country and the third lowest among provincial capitals, according to a comprehensive urban air quality index. The severe air quality has a great impact on the physical and mental health of the people, and has become the focus, focus and difficulty of the society. It is urgent and necessary to speed up the construction of local legal system and strengthen the control of air pollution according to law. Air pollution is a difficult problem in the process of industrialization and urbanization. The experience of developed countries in solving air pollution through strengthening environmental protection legislation and perfecting legal system is worth studying and drawing lessons from. There are many reasons for the current situation of air pollution, but one of the important reasons is that the legal construction of air pollution prevention and control in our province can not meet the needs of the actual work: first, the current regulations of air pollution prevention and control in our province lack pertinence. After the promulgation of the Law of the people's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Air pollution, our province has not yet drawn up the corresponding local implementation rules, which is naturally deficient in the construction of the legal system for the prevention and control of air pollution. Second, the existing laws and regulations can not meet the current requirements of air pollution prevention. Great changes have taken place in the prevention and control of air pollution before and after 2000, and some new phenomena, new sources of pollution have appeared. Therefore, it is urgent to study the legal countermeasures of air pollution control in our city, establish a long-term mechanism, and fundamentally curb the current trend of air quality deterioration. At present, China's environmental laws and regulations and policy making system has achieved initial results, but there are still problems that are out of line with the current situation of environmental protection. At the legislative level, environmental laws and regulations are mostly in principle and lack of clear procedural operation process in the process of implementation, and there are still protectionism in law enforcement by local governments in pursuit of GDP sheltered enterprises. In the absence of a strong oversight body, the punishment is too light. In order to solve these problems, we should start from the fundamental level of legislation, formulate laws and regulations with strong pertinence, change local governments' understanding of the relationship between economy and environment, and improve the depth and breadth of public participation in order to solve the problem of air pollution in our country.


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