发布时间:2018-07-26 07:54
【摘要】:南水北调工程是缓解我国北方地区水资源短缺、实现水资源合理配置的重大战略性基础设施,包括东线、中线和西线三条调水线路。南四湖和东平湖是南水北调东线工程重要的蓄水湖泊和输水通道,其水质状况和富营养化状态一直是相关学者及水利环保部门共同关注的重点问题。目前,国内外学者对硅藻的研究比较普遍,但对南四湖和东平湖硅藻及其与环境因子间关系的研究鲜有报道。因此,分析南四湖和东平湖浮游硅藻种群结构、分布特征、影响因子以及指示潜力,可为南水北调东线工程以及南四湖、东平湖水污染防治提供技术指导,同时也可为将来研究调水工程对湖泊藻类的影响提供详实资料。本研究在2010年5月~2013年4月期间,对南四湖和东平湖的硅藻种群结构、优势种季节演替及其与环境因子的关系、硅藻的指示作用进行分析,并比较了两个湖泊硅藻种群差异的主要原因,结果如下:(1)南四湖共检出硅藻22属69种,硅藻的密度在14.3×104-663.2×104个/L之间;硅藻密度变化呈现出明显的季节性,冬春季节大于夏秋季节;硅藻种群演替呈现出明显的季节性,冬春季节硅藻组成主要以冷水种尖针杆藻为主,夏秋季节硅藻组合以暖水种扭曲小环藻为主;氮磷营养盐、pH和温度是影响南四湖硅藻种群变化的主要环境因子。(2)东平湖共检出硅藻25属52种,硅藻密度在11.2×104-1040.0×104个/L之间;硅藻密度呈现出明显的季节性,在秋季有明显的生长趋势;针杆藻属、小环藻属和脆杆藻属是东平湖硅藻的主要优势种;氮磷营养盐、CODMn浓度和温度是影响东平湖硅藻种群变化的主要环境因子。(3)南四湖和东平湖硅藻种群构成大体相似,最大的差异在于优势种的演替,在南四湖中硅藻优势种遵循冷水种属针杆藻属(冬春季节)与暖水藻属小环藻属(夏秋季节)相互演替的规律,而在东平湖中硅藻优势种在四季均为针杆藻属和脆杆藻属,造成这种差异的原因可能在于两个湖泊温度、水质状况及富营养化状态的不同:南四湖的平均温度大于东平湖,这使得温度对南四湖硅藻种群的限制较东平湖大,南四湖冷暖水硅藻的演替较东平湖更为明显;南四湖的水质状况较东平湖差、富营养化程度较东平湖高,这为污染及营养物浓度耐受性较大的小环藻属成为优势种属提供了有利条件。(4)南四湖和东平湖的硅藻对于富营养化状态均有一定指示作用:在硅藻生长良好的冬春季节,南四湖的硅藻密度的变化趋势和富营养化状态的变化趋势大体呈相反趋势;在东平湖中当硅藻密度显著增加时,富营养化状态也会有所增加,但富营养化状态的变化有时会滞后于硅藻密度的变化。TDI (Trophic Diatom Index)不适合评价南四湖和东平湖的富营养化状态。
[Abstract]:The south to North Water Diversion Project is a major strategic infrastructure to alleviate water shortage in northern China and realize the rational allocation of water resources, including three water transfer lines in the east line, middle line and west line. The Nansi Lake and East Pinghu are important water storage lakes and water conveyance passages in the East Route of the south to North Water Diversion Project. The water quality and eutrophication state have always been the same. At present, scholars at home and abroad are more common in the research of diatom, but there are few reports on the relationship between diatom and its environmental factors in Nansi Lake and East Pinghu. Therefore, the population structure, distribution characteristics, influence factors and indication potential of the planktonic diatom population in Nansi Lake and East Pinghu are analyzed. It can provide technical guidance for the East Route Project of South to North Water Transfer and the prevention and control of water pollution in Dongping lake, and also provide detailed information on the influence of water diversion project on Lake Algae in the future. During the period from May 2010 to April 2013, the population structure of diatom in Nansi Lake and Dongping lake, the seasonal succession of dominant species and its environment were also provided. The relationship between factors and diatom indicates the main reason for the difference of diatom population in two lakes. The results are as follows: (1) 69 species of diatom were detected in Nansi Lake, and the density of diatom was between 14.3 x 104-663.2 and 104 /L; the density of diatom showed obvious seasonality, the winter and spring season was greater than the summer and autumn season; diatom The succession of the population showed a distinct seasonal character. In winter and spring, the main composition of diatom was cold water species, and diatom combination was dominated by warm water species in summer and autumn. Nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, pH and temperature were the main environmental factors affecting the changes of diatom population in Nansi Lake. (2) 52 species of diatom were detected in East Pinghu, and the density of diatom was in the density of diatom in East Pinghu. Between 11.2 x 104-1040.0 and 104 /L, the density of diatom showed obvious seasonal and obvious growth trend in autumn. The main dominant species of Dongping Lake diatom were aconus, cystie and crisp. The nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, CODMn concentration and temperature were the main environmental factors affecting the change of the species of silicon algae in Dongping Lake. (3) Nansi Lake and the South Fourth lake. The species composition of diatom in Dongping lake is roughly similar, the biggest difference is the succession of dominant species. The dominant species of diatom in Nanhu Lake follows the law of mutual succession of cold water species in the genus coniferous algae (winter and spring season) and the genus microalgae (summer and autumn season) of warm algae, while the dominant species of diatom in Dongping lake are coniferous and crisp in the four seasons. This difference may be due to the difference in the temperature of two lakes, the water quality and the eutrophication state: the average temperature of the Nansi Lake is greater than that of Dongping lake, which makes the temperature of the diatom population of Nansi Lake larger than that of East Pinghu, and the succession of diatom in the cold and warm water of Nansi Lake is more obvious than that in East Pinghu; the water quality of Nansi Lake is more than that in East Pinghu. The degree of eutrophication is higher than that in East Pinghu. This provides a favorable condition for the dominant species of the genus cystis. (4) the diatom in Nansi Lake and Dongping lake have a certain indication of eutrophication: the change trend of diatom density in Nansi Lake in good winter and spring season. The trend of eutrophication and eutrophication is in the opposite direction; when the density of diatom in Dongping Lake increases significantly, the eutrophication state will increase, but the change of eutrophication is sometimes lagged behind the change of diatom density.TDI (Trophic Diatom Index) discomfort evaluation of the eutrophication state of Nansi Lake and Dongping lake.
[Abstract]:The south to North Water Diversion Project is a major strategic infrastructure to alleviate water shortage in northern China and realize the rational allocation of water resources, including three water transfer lines in the east line, middle line and west line. The Nansi Lake and East Pinghu are important water storage lakes and water conveyance passages in the East Route of the south to North Water Diversion Project. The water quality and eutrophication state have always been the same. At present, scholars at home and abroad are more common in the research of diatom, but there are few reports on the relationship between diatom and its environmental factors in Nansi Lake and East Pinghu. Therefore, the population structure, distribution characteristics, influence factors and indication potential of the planktonic diatom population in Nansi Lake and East Pinghu are analyzed. It can provide technical guidance for the East Route Project of South to North Water Transfer and the prevention and control of water pollution in Dongping lake, and also provide detailed information on the influence of water diversion project on Lake Algae in the future. During the period from May 2010 to April 2013, the population structure of diatom in Nansi Lake and Dongping lake, the seasonal succession of dominant species and its environment were also provided. The relationship between factors and diatom indicates the main reason for the difference of diatom population in two lakes. The results are as follows: (1) 69 species of diatom were detected in Nansi Lake, and the density of diatom was between 14.3 x 104-663.2 and 104 /L; the density of diatom showed obvious seasonality, the winter and spring season was greater than the summer and autumn season; diatom The succession of the population showed a distinct seasonal character. In winter and spring, the main composition of diatom was cold water species, and diatom combination was dominated by warm water species in summer and autumn. Nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, pH and temperature were the main environmental factors affecting the changes of diatom population in Nansi Lake. (2) 52 species of diatom were detected in East Pinghu, and the density of diatom was in the density of diatom in East Pinghu. Between 11.2 x 104-1040.0 and 104 /L, the density of diatom showed obvious seasonal and obvious growth trend in autumn. The main dominant species of Dongping Lake diatom were aconus, cystie and crisp. The nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, CODMn concentration and temperature were the main environmental factors affecting the change of the species of silicon algae in Dongping Lake. (3) Nansi Lake and the South Fourth lake. The species composition of diatom in Dongping lake is roughly similar, the biggest difference is the succession of dominant species. The dominant species of diatom in Nanhu Lake follows the law of mutual succession of cold water species in the genus coniferous algae (winter and spring season) and the genus microalgae (summer and autumn season) of warm algae, while the dominant species of diatom in Dongping lake are coniferous and crisp in the four seasons. This difference may be due to the difference in the temperature of two lakes, the water quality and the eutrophication state: the average temperature of the Nansi Lake is greater than that of Dongping lake, which makes the temperature of the diatom population of Nansi Lake larger than that of East Pinghu, and the succession of diatom in the cold and warm water of Nansi Lake is more obvious than that in East Pinghu; the water quality of Nansi Lake is more than that in East Pinghu. The degree of eutrophication is higher than that in East Pinghu. This provides a favorable condition for the dominant species of the genus cystis. (4) the diatom in Nansi Lake and Dongping lake have a certain indication of eutrophication: the change trend of diatom density in Nansi Lake in good winter and spring season. The trend of eutrophication and eutrophication is in the opposite direction; when the density of diatom in Dongping Lake increases significantly, the eutrophication state will increase, but the change of eutrophication is sometimes lagged behind the change of diatom density.TDI (Trophic Diatom Index) discomfort evaluation of the eutrophication state of Nansi Lake and Dongping lake.
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1 任颖;南水北调东线调蓄湖泊浮游藻类群落特征与环境驱动因子[D];山东大学;2016年