发布时间:2018-08-14 16:54
【摘要】:虽然太阳能光伏能源是绿色清洁能源,但在生产过程中尤其是太阳能电池的生产会产生大量高浓度的含氟含氮废水,若处理不当会对环境造成严重的污染,对动植物的健康造成危害,同时也会产生资源的浪费。本文通过对江苏某光伏企业的调研,模拟太阳能电池生产废水进行试验研究。探究了不同铝试剂、温度、pH、废水氟离子浓度对冰晶石沉淀效果的影响。结果表明,当pH=4,T=55℃,投加偏铝酸钠时冰晶石的回收效果最好,氟离子浓度越高,回收效果越好,添加晶种对沉淀形貌有较大影响,但对氟的回收率影响不大。针对冰晶石回收之后的剩余氟(F-=600mg/L),构建一套以反渗透、蒸发技术为主的除氟脱氮工艺。试验中试结果表明,在pH=8,p=12bar条件下,浓缩8倍之后,反渗透平均产水硝酸盐氮和氟离子浓度为分别122.88mg/L和58mg/L,同时大大减少了浓水的蒸发水量,节约水处理成本。此外,根据反渗透产水水质,利用反硝化生物滤池对含单一硝酸盐氮废水进行处理研究,发现反硝化生物滤池以乙醇作为碳源,陶粒作为填料,在C/N=3, HRT=4h,进水负荷为25gNO3-N/(m3·h)条件下运行效果最好,COD和TN去除率分别为91.5%和97.4%,当进水负荷高于75gNO3--N/(m3·h)时,TN和COD去除效果变差。氟离子对反硝化菌有毒害作用,细菌活性不可恢复,当氟离子进水负荷高于1.25gF-(m3·h)时反硝化作用受到较大程度的抑制。本文以光伏电池高氟高氮废水为研究对象,提出一套以沉淀结晶—反渗透—蒸发结晶—反硝化生物滤池为主的废水处理工艺系统,在废水达标排放的前提下可大大减少处理成本,有较大的工程实际意义。
[Abstract]:Although solar photovoltaic energy is a green and clean energy, the production of solar cells, especially the production of solar cells, will produce a large amount of high-concentration wastewater containing fluorine and nitrogen, and if not treated properly, it will cause serious pollution to the environment. Harm to the health of animals and plants, but also a waste of resources. Based on the investigation of a photovoltaic enterprise in Jiangsu province, the wastewater from solar cell production was simulated. The effects of different aluminum reagents, pH and fluorine concentration on the precipitation of cryolite were studied. The results showed that the recovery effect of cryolite was the best when adding sodium metaluminate at 55 鈩,
[Abstract]:Although solar photovoltaic energy is a green and clean energy, the production of solar cells, especially the production of solar cells, will produce a large amount of high-concentration wastewater containing fluorine and nitrogen, and if not treated properly, it will cause serious pollution to the environment. Harm to the health of animals and plants, but also a waste of resources. Based on the investigation of a photovoltaic enterprise in Jiangsu province, the wastewater from solar cell production was simulated. The effects of different aluminum reagents, pH and fluorine concentration on the precipitation of cryolite were studied. The results showed that the recovery effect of cryolite was the best when adding sodium metaluminate at 55 鈩,