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发布时间:2018-08-25 08:51
[Abstract]:Atmospheric environment is an important environment for human survival. With the development of industry and the acceleration of urbanization, the problem of atmospheric environment pollution becomes more and more prominent. As the core of Changsha Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration, the atmospheric environment of Changsha City has been polluted to a certain extent while it has made great economic progress. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the atmospheric pollution in Changsha City. In this paper, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of atmospheric pollutants in the main urban area of Changsha and Qiaokou town in the suburbs of Changsha are studied. The main results are as follows: (1) the quality of atmospheric environment in the main urban area of Changsha is the worst in winter and the best in summer, and the pollution of PM2.5 is the most serious in the whole year, followed by the pollution of PM10, and the pollution of NO2 in winter, spring and autumn. The concentration of PM2.5,PM10,SO2,NO2,CO in the main urban area was higher in winter and lower in summer, and the concentration of each pollutant in daytime was lower than that in night. However, the time variation of O3 concentration was opposite to that of PM2.5,PM10,SO2,NO2,CO concentration. The comparison and analysis of PM2.5,PM10,SO2,NO2,O3,CO concentration and atmospheric environmental quality between the main urban area and suburb of Changsha City showed that the concentration of pollutants and the quality of atmospheric environment in the suburbs did not change significantly within one week, but the change of the main urban area was obvious. The concentration of pollutants in the main urban area is less than the working day and the atmospheric environmental quality is better than that of the working day. (2) the atmospheric environmental quality of the main urban area of Changsha has gradually improved from the southwest to the northeast, and the concentration of PM2.5,PM10,SO2,NO2,CO in Kaifu district in the north is lower than that in the whole area. The concentration of PM10,NO2,CO in Furong district was higher than that in Yuelu district, and the concentration of PM2.5,SO2 in Yuelu district was higher. The concentration of NO2,O3,SO2,CO in suburb gradually decreased from east to west, and the quality of atmospheric environment gradually improved from east to west. (3) the correlation analysis of concentration of atmospheric pollutants in main urban area of Changsha City showed that the concentration of particulate matter was different. There was a significant linear and negative correlation between CO and SO2,NO2 concentration between particulate matter and NO2,SO2,CO concentration, and between NO2 and SO2 concentration, and there was a significant linear negative correlation between NO2 and CO,NO2 concentration, while there was a significant linear negative correlation between particulate matter concentration and O _ 3 concentration in winter, and between NO2 and SO2 concentration in winter. There was no significant linear negative correlation between SO2 concentration and O _ 3 concentration in other seasons, but there was no correlation in spring and autumn. In addition, the correlation between the concentration of particulate matter and gaseous pollutant was the greatest, the correlation between the concentration of particulate matter and the concentration of NO2 was greater, and the correlation between the concentration of particulate matter and the concentration of O3 was smaller than that between the concentration of particulate matter and the concentration of gaseous pollutant. The correlation between the concentrations of no _ 2 and O _ 3 was the greatest among the concentrations of gaseous pollutants, and the correlation between the concentrations of CO and NO2 was the lowest. The correlation between so _ 2 and O _ 3 was the lowest.


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