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发布时间:2018-09-04 08:29
[Abstract]:At present, the important foundation of global economic development is to maintain a good ecological environment. With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, with the rapid development of the economy, the harm to water resources brought by industry and manufacturing industry is gradually increasing, which directly results in groundwater pollution, and the water quality drops obviously. Therefore, we should take necessary measures to stop this pollution harm and create a good living environment. It is very urgent to improve the quality of life on the basis of improving the living standard of residents. The national level attaches great importance to the construction of ecological civilization as the basic national policy of development. One of the most important means to control water pollution is to build sewage treatment plant, which plays an important role in water resources protection, utilization and development. However, due to the problems such as the malpractice of the management system in the sewage treatment industry in China, there is a big bottleneck in the development of the industry at present, and the speed of the development is lagging behind. Based on this background, the construction of sewage treatment plant has great investment risk for the project investors. Therefore, before the construction of the project, it is necessary to analyze the feasibility of the construction of the sewage treatment plant, and evaluate the risk of the project. Avoid making wrong decisions. The so-called feasibility study refers to the comprehensive research, investigation and evaluation of the funds, resources, market and social aspects related to the project before the project starts. Finally, a conclusion is drawn on whether the project is feasible or optimal. On the basis of expounding the relevant theories of project construction feasibility study, this study systematically studies the necessity of XX sewage treatment plant project construction, and uses the project investment evaluation theory to estimate investment, raise funds model and its profitability. The feasibility of paying off debts is demonstrated, the risk of investment in project development and construction is analyzed by using risk management theory, and the corresponding countermeasures are put forward. Finally, the feasibility of XX sewage treatment plant project construction is evaluated and analyzed. The corresponding conclusions and prospects are obtained. Through the research on the feasibility of XX sewage treatment plant project construction, the purpose of this study is to gradually clarify the basic context of investment and development of sewage treatment industry, based on the relevant theory of project feasibility investment construction. This paper puts forward the practical evaluation emphasis and research method of XX sewage treatment plant project in order to provide reference and guidance for domestic similar enterprises and provide implementation scheme with practical operational value. At the same time, I hope this study can provide reference for the theory of project feasibility study.


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