[Abstract]:Based on the previous field investigation and sampling analysis, the soil contaminated by heavy metal cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in Xianyang, Yangling and Baoji, a typical greenhouse vegetable planting area in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province, was taken as the research object. The variation characteristics of Cd and Pb forms in soil and their contribution to Cd and Pb uptake by crops were studied. The key soil fertility factors affecting the speciation and distribution of heavy metals Cd and Pb in soils were studied. The feasibility and mechanism of remediation of heavy metals Cd and Pb contaminated soils in greenhouse vegetable fields by weathered coal, peat and biochar were studied at individual and cell levels in laboratory. The results were as follows: (1) The distribution of Pb in the greenhouse vegetable soils of Xianyang, Yangling and Baoji was the same: residue (68.56%-75.71%) Fe-Mn oxides bound state (13.51%-15.92%) organic bound state (8.02%-11.79%) carbonate bound state (1.86%-3.81%) exchanged state (0.00%-0.03%); (2) Cd accumulation in tomato fruits of Xianyang, Yangling and Baoji facilities mainly depended on the proportion of Cd exchangeable state and Cd carbonate combined state in the soil; in Yangling and Baoji facilities, the accumulation of Cd in tomato fruits was related to soil. (3) Available phosphorus, available potassium and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen were the key positive factors affecting the exchangeable state of heavy metals Cd and the bound state of cadmium carbonate; soil pH and cation exchange capacity were the key negative factors affecting the exchangeable state of cadmium. (4) Weathered coal reduced the stress of Pb single and Cd, Pb compound pollution on tomato plants, and enhanced the resistance of tomato plants to Cd stress by increasing the activity of SOD in leaves; peat reduced the stress effect of Pb single and Cd, Pb compound pollution on tomato plants, and enhanced the stress of tomato plants to Cd by increasing the activity of SOD in leaves. Biochar enhanced the phytoremediation of tomato plants under Cd stress by increasing the activity of SOD in leaves, and enhanced the phytoremediation of tomato plants under combined stress of Cd and Pb by increasing the activity of POD in leaves. (6) Weathered coal, peat and biochar had good fixation effect on soil Cd and Pb, and inhibited the accumulation of Cd and Pb in tomato shoots. The content of Cd in tomato was positively correlated with the content of Cd exchangeable state in soil (P Cd and Pb accumulation in greenhouse vegetable fields of Xianyang, Yangling and Baoji were mainly in carbonate-bound and iron-manganese oxides-bound forms, while Pb was mainly in residue form. The accumulation of Cd in tomato fruits was mainly related to the contents of Cd-exchanged and cadmium-bound forms in soil. Weathered coal, peat and biochar can reduce the proportion of Cd and Pb in soil by changing soil pH value and fixing (adsorption, complexation) of heavy metals, thereby reducing the accumulation of Cd and Pb by plants, and can be used as an effective remediation agent for heavy metal Cd and Pb contaminated soil.
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