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发布时间:2018-09-13 21:34
【摘要】:电动修复技术作为新发展起来的绿色修复技术,处理彻底、效率高、成本低,特别适用于离子态存在的重金属污染土壤应急处理。国内外对电动修复的研究还处在实验室或者中试研究阶段,实地应用检验效果不稳定,成功率不高,主要因为一些限制因素影响的问题还没有解决好,因此本课题设计正交实验分别研究镍污染土壤和铬污染土壤的电动修复过程,同时为了寻求一种更好的重金属处理工艺,提出了土壤一次淋洗+电动修复组合工艺。本课题通过研究主要得出如下结论:(1)镍污染土壤电动修复实验:不同类型土壤镍去除率差别很大,沙土效果好于沙壤土好于黏土,在相同土壤条件下,影响镍去除率的影响因素重要性从大到小依次为阴极pH、电压梯度、阳极pH;外加电场下大部分镍离子迁移到阴极或者阴极附近,以沙土为研究对象,控制阳极pH为7,阴极p H为5,电压梯度为1v/cm,镍去除率达到最高99.9%;阴极pH对镍去除率影响非常大。(2)铬污染土壤电动修复实验:在微电流条件下,影响铬去除效率最重要的因素为电压梯度,其它影响因素重要性从大到小依次为阳极pH、阴极pH、电极形状;总铬和六价铬的分布规律类似,基本呈现从阳极到阴极逐渐减少的规律,三价铬分布规律不明显;在电压梯度为1.5v/cm下,以去离子水作为电解质,以柱状石墨棒作为电极,分别控制阴极和阳极pH在11和3,取得很好的去除效果,144h后铬去除率达到80.9%;在微电流范围内,提高电压梯度能够提高铬去除率;通过以氯化钾和自来水作为电解质进行研究得出,以自来水作为电解质较适合电动修复。(3)新工艺探讨:通过土壤淋洗实验研究,得出最佳停留时间为24h,最佳水土比(质量比)为0.5:1,;提出新工艺:土壤一次淋洗+电动修复,土壤经过一次淋洗预处理之后,非常适合进行电动修复,铬去除率得到提高,电动修复去除率达到91.6%,新工艺总去除率达到93.6%,说明新工艺能够很好的应用于重金属污染土壤修复;人工配制的土壤中铬主要以可交换态和碳酸盐结合态存在,经过电动修复后土壤中可交换态铬比例减少,有机物结合态和残渣态比例增大。
[Abstract]:As a newly developed green remediation technology, electric remediation technology has the advantages of thorough treatment, high efficiency and low cost. It is especially suitable for the emergency treatment of heavy metal contaminated soil in ion state. Domestic and foreign research on electric repair is still in the stage of laboratory or pilot research. The results of field testing are unstable and the success rate is not high, mainly because the problems affected by some limiting factors have not been solved well. Therefore, orthogonal experiments were designed to study the electrokinetic remediation process of nickel contaminated soil and chromium contaminated soil respectively. In order to find a better treatment process for heavy metals, a combined process of electrokinetic remediation of soil was put forward. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the Ni removal rate of different types of soils is very different, and the effect of sandy soil is better than that of clay soil, and under the same soil conditions, the effect of nickel removal is better than that of sandy soil, and the effect of sand soil is better than that of clay soil. The influence factors of nickel removal efficiency are cathode pH, voltage gradient from large to small, and most of nickel ions migrate to cathode or near cathode under the applied electric field of anode pH;. Sand soil is taken as the research object. The control anode pH is 7, cathode pH is 5, voltage gradient is 1 v / cm, nickel removal rate reaches the highest 99.9, cathode pH has great influence on nickel removal rate. (2) Electro-electric remediation experiment of chromium contaminated soil: under the condition of micro-current, The most important factor affecting the removal efficiency of chromium is voltage gradient, and the other influencing factors are the shape of anode pH, cathode pH, electrode, and the distribution of total chromium and hexavalent chromium is similar. The distribution of trivalent chromium is not obvious. When voltage gradient is 1.5v/cm, deionized water is used as electrolyte, and columnar graphite rod is used as electrode. By controlling the cathode and anode pH at 11 and 3, respectively, the removal rate of chromium reached 80.9g after 144h. In the range of micro-current, increasing the voltage gradient could improve the removal rate of chromium. The results showed that potassium chloride and tap water were used as electrolytes. Using tap water as electrolyte is more suitable for electric remediation. (3) New technology: through soil leaching experiment, the optimum residence time is 24 h, and the best ratio of water and soil (mass ratio) is 0.5: 10.The new technology is put forward as follows: one time leaching and electric remediation of soil, After one leaching pretreatment, the soil is very suitable for electric remediation, the removal rate of chromium is improved, the removal rate of electric recovery reaches 91.6, and the total removal rate of the new process reaches 93.6, which indicates that the new process can be applied to the remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil. The content of chromium in artificially prepared soils is mainly composed of exchangeable and carbonate bound forms. After electric remediation, the proportion of exchangeable chromium in soil decreases, while the proportion of organic matter bound and residual forms increases.


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