发布时间:2018-09-15 05:43
[Abstract]:In recent years, agricultural non-point source pollution has gradually become an important source of eutrophication in rivers, lakes and other water bodies. The prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution has become the urgent task of improving water quality and controlling water eutrophication. As the last barrier before agricultural non-point source pollution enters the receiving water, the vegetation buffer zone has become the research hotspot in the field of environmental science. There have been a lot of researches and reports on vegetation buffer zone at home and abroad, but few studies have been done to improve the interception effect of vegetation buffer zone on runoff pollution by using mixed sowing technology of soybean and grass or by changing soil texture. In order to improve the interception effect of vegetation buffer zone on surface runoff, biochar was introduced to change soil texture in order to improve the interception effect of vegetation buffer zone on surface runoff. It also provides theoretical basis for exploring new construction technology of riparian vegetation buffer zone. Through soil column simulation experiment, the interception effect of different ratios of biochar (8% and 16%) on exogenous nitrogen and phosphorus was studied. The soil column system with 16% biochar content has the highest infiltration rate of 9.43 times of CK and 9.05 times of CK and 16.34 times of CK. TN (influent concentration is 30.16mg?L-1) (influent concentration is 510mg?L-1) of different treatments have very good interception effect, TN interception rate is about 95% or so, COD interception rate is about 63%. In addition, the available phosphorus content in biochar could significantly affect the interception effect of exogenous phosphorus in soil, so low phosphorus content biochar should be selected to construct vegetation buffer zone. Under the condition of soil column simulation experiment, using 16% biochar, the different sowing combinations of soybean and grass (single seeding: White clover, ryegrass, purple fescue, bluegrass) were studied, and mixed sowing treatment: White clover and ryegrass were mixed at 1:3. White clover and purple fescue were mixed sowing at 1:3, white clover and Kentucky bluegrass were mixed sowing at 1:3) to intercept exogenous nitrogen and phosphorus, it was found that the addition of herbs could significantly increase the amount of soil interception of exogenous sewage and the total interception of pollutants. The most effective interception rate of TN was 93% or so, and the relative CK, could increase the sewage interception capacity 127.16% and the total pollutant interception capacity 2.77%. A vegetation buffer zone of 4 m long, 2 m wide and 7 o slope was constructed by using 16% biochar of different herbaceous combinations. It was found that the mixed sowing belt of white clover and ryegrass at 1:3 could effectively retain surface runoff and increase the amount of pollutant interception, and compared with single seeding of white clover. Black and white grass, purple fescue, bluegrass, white clover and purple fescue were mixed at 1:3, white clover and bluegrass were mixed with 1:3, the total intercepting capacity of pollutants was increased by 3.295.31% and 5.28%. The results showed that the soil texture was changed by using 16% biochar, and the vegetation buffer zone was constructed by the mixed sowing of white clover and ryegrass at 1:3. It can significantly improve the interception effect of vegetation buffer zone on runoff and nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants carried in runoff.
[Abstract]:In recent years, agricultural non-point source pollution has gradually become an important source of eutrophication in rivers, lakes and other water bodies. The prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution has become the urgent task of improving water quality and controlling water eutrophication. As the last barrier before agricultural non-point source pollution enters the receiving water, the vegetation buffer zone has become the research hotspot in the field of environmental science. There have been a lot of researches and reports on vegetation buffer zone at home and abroad, but few studies have been done to improve the interception effect of vegetation buffer zone on runoff pollution by using mixed sowing technology of soybean and grass or by changing soil texture. In order to improve the interception effect of vegetation buffer zone on surface runoff, biochar was introduced to change soil texture in order to improve the interception effect of vegetation buffer zone on surface runoff. It also provides theoretical basis for exploring new construction technology of riparian vegetation buffer zone. Through soil column simulation experiment, the interception effect of different ratios of biochar (8% and 16%) on exogenous nitrogen and phosphorus was studied. The soil column system with 16% biochar content has the highest infiltration rate of 9.43 times of CK and 9.05 times of CK and 16.34 times of CK. TN (influent concentration is 30.16mg?L-1) (influent concentration is 510mg?L-1) of different treatments have very good interception effect, TN interception rate is about 95% or so, COD interception rate is about 63%. In addition, the available phosphorus content in biochar could significantly affect the interception effect of exogenous phosphorus in soil, so low phosphorus content biochar should be selected to construct vegetation buffer zone. Under the condition of soil column simulation experiment, using 16% biochar, the different sowing combinations of soybean and grass (single seeding: White clover, ryegrass, purple fescue, bluegrass) were studied, and mixed sowing treatment: White clover and ryegrass were mixed at 1:3. White clover and purple fescue were mixed sowing at 1:3, white clover and Kentucky bluegrass were mixed sowing at 1:3) to intercept exogenous nitrogen and phosphorus, it was found that the addition of herbs could significantly increase the amount of soil interception of exogenous sewage and the total interception of pollutants. The most effective interception rate of TN was 93% or so, and the relative CK, could increase the sewage interception capacity 127.16% and the total pollutant interception capacity 2.77%. A vegetation buffer zone of 4 m long, 2 m wide and 7 o slope was constructed by using 16% biochar of different herbaceous combinations. It was found that the mixed sowing belt of white clover and ryegrass at 1:3 could effectively retain surface runoff and increase the amount of pollutant interception, and compared with single seeding of white clover. Black and white grass, purple fescue, bluegrass, white clover and purple fescue were mixed at 1:3, white clover and bluegrass were mixed with 1:3, the total intercepting capacity of pollutants was increased by 3.295.31% and 5.28%. The results showed that the soil texture was changed by using 16% biochar, and the vegetation buffer zone was constructed by the mixed sowing of white clover and ryegrass at 1:3. It can significantly improve the interception effect of vegetation buffer zone on runoff and nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants carried in runoff.
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