[Abstract]:Acrylonitrile industrial wastewater is a highly concentrated wastewater produced in the production process of acrylonitrile. It has the characteristics of difficult treatment and high toxicity. At present, the treatment of acrylonitrile industrial wastewater mainly depends on incineration, but the energy consumption of incineration treatment wastewater is very great. The energy consumption of acrylonitrile production is 30%-40%. At present, there are many methods for treating acrylonitrile industrial wastewater, but the low energy consumption is mainly concentrated in biological method and membrane separation method. The biological method needs to be pretreated before it can be further degraded. In this paper, advanced oxidation technology is used as a pretreatment method. In this paper, three kinds of industrial wastewater of acrylonitrile, I. e., urgent cooling tower wastewater, acetonitrile wastewater and ammonium sulfate wastewater, are studied separately. In addition to acrylonitrile, acetonitrile and hydrocyanic acid, there are also a large number of organic compounds such as 3-pyridinitrile, succinonitrile, imidazole, hydroquinone and p-phenylenediamine. The main organic compounds such as acetonitrile and acrylonitrile in acetonitrile wastewater are methyl pyridine and methyl benzonitrile. The experiment consists of ozone independent advanced oxidation and ultraviolet independent advanced oxidation. The experimental results show that the TC,TOC,TN in wastewater decreases to a certain extent after advanced oxidation, but the treatment effect of IC is not obvious. After oxidation and isomerization, the content of some organic compounds decreased greatly, and a certain amount of components which contributed less to TC,TN were formed at the same time. The results show that the ozone flow rate of the advanced oxidation treatment is 4 g / h and the ultraviolet irradiation can improve the treatment effect. It is suggested that the treatment time is 20 min to maximize the economic benefit.
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