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发布时间:2018-10-11 13:34
[Abstract]:The leakage of landfill leachate has caused more and more serious pollution to the surrounding water and soil environment, which has become a worldwide environmental problem, and its production mainly comes from the municipal solid waste sanitary landfill. Because landfill leachate is a kind of sewage with very complicated composition, it seeps into the water body and causes serious pollution to groundwater, which seriously threatens the safe use of groundwater. Landfill leachate leakage into the underground aquifer will form different redox zones. From the viewpoint of thermodynamics and biogeochemistry, methanogenic zones are first formed at the nearest location to the contaminated site. Then, with the increase of distance, sulfate reduction zone, iron reduction zone, manganese reduction zone, nitrate reduction zone and oxygen reduction zone were formed in turn. The appearance of these different redox environments is of great significance for the study of the degradation of pollutants in aquifers and the control and remediation of groundwater pollution. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of how to control and restore the contaminated groundwater scientifically and effectively, It is very necessary to study the identification technology of groundwater pollution process in landfills, I. e., the identification and partition method of each redox characteristic area of the pollution plume. Combined with the current research progress at home and abroad, this project is based on the biogeochemical effect of landfill leachate pollutants degradation in groundwater environment and the phenomenon of redox zoning. A process identification technique for groundwater pollution in landfills based on sensitive factor index method is studied. By determining that the sensitive factors are dissolved oxygen, nitrite, iron divalent, sulfides and carbon dioxide respectively, the technique establishes a quantitative method based on the characterization of characteristic regions, calculates the weight values of each sensitive factor and statistically divides the values of each characteristic region. Finally, the recognition of the redox characteristic region of the landfill site is realized, and the determination of the weight of the sensitive factor is also an important link in the whole technology system. On the basis of the previous research, this study applies the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the variation coefficient method and the combined weight method to the sensitive factor index method, and takes a landfill site in the north as an example to verify and analyze. Finally, a process identification technique of groundwater pollution in landfill is constructed based on sensitive factor index method. The results show that redox zonation exists in groundwater pollution plume of a landfill in the north of China. Five redox characteristic areas have been identified in the site, including methanogenic zone, sulfate reduction zone, iron reduction zone, and so on. The combined weight method can scientifically, objectively and accurately determine the weight of each sensitive factor, compared with the other two main factors. The objective weight calculation method is more suitable for the sensitive factor index method to identify the groundwater pollution process in landfills, and the distribution of the redox characteristic regions in the study area is not arranged according to the ability of microorganism to utilize the final electron receptor. Some small areas may be deviated from the theory because of their special hydrogeological conditions or the influence of the surrounding environment. On the whole, the result of identification is more scientific and reasonable, and the distribution of the characteristic area is in good agreement with the actual situation of the site.


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