[Abstract]:Stench gas is one of the main pollutants in the atmospheric environment. These gases have a pungent smell, which damage the living environment on which people depend, and even affect the health of human body seriously. The emission standard GB14554-93 of odor pollutants in China stipulates eight kinds of odorous pollutants, namely ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, methyl sulfide, trimethylamine, styrene, dimethyl disulfide and carbon disulfide. In this paper, four sulfur compounds, methyl mercaptan, methyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide and carbon disulfide are separated and detected, and a rapid heating device is designed to realize the miniaturization of chromatographic column heating. The surface acoustic wave device is used to detect the separated gas. In this paper, based on the basic principle of gas chromatography, GC-7980 gas chromatograph was used to test the separation of four gas mixtures and to explore the best separation conditions. In this paper, TM-5 capillary column, PEG-20M capillary column, TM-PLOT U capillary column, MXT#174;-1301 metal column and Rt-Silica BOND PLOT capillary column were selected for the separation of five different stationary phases. The optimum separation conditions were obtained by using different pre-column pressure and heating methods to detect the mixture. A 25m long Rt-Silica BOND PLOT capillary column was used to realize the rapid separation of the mixed components. The separation time was 6.283 min and the minimum separation degree between the components was 2.675. In order to realize the miniaturization of chromatographic column heating, a kind of aluminum metal ring heating support with diameter of 98 mm, height of 48 mm and thick 1mm was designed, which was wound with armored heating wire. The temperature control module was used to effectively replace the heating function of the column temperature box in traditional chromatograph. The mixture of methyl mercaptan, methyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide and carbon disulfide was successfully separated from 6.88min. The volume of column temperature box is reduced and the power consumption is reduced, which provides a guarantee for the development of portable equipment. In this paper, using saw device instead of detector FPD in chromatograph to detect the gas separated by chromatographic column, three components of liquid injection methyl sulfide, carbon disulfide and dimethyl disulfide have been successfully detected. The response is above 1000Hz. However, no methionol gas was detected. In this paper, a portable gas chromatographic device is integrated. The main components of gas detection are the injection device of chromatograph, column temperature box, carrier gas, chromatographic column and saw sensor. It is useful to develop portable gas chromatographic detection system.
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