[Abstract]:Objective to study the photocatalytic oxidation process for the treatment of offset printing ink wastewater and achieve the standard discharge of offset printing ink wastewater. Methods Coagulation pretreatment of offset printing ink wastewater was carried out to reduce the turbidity of printing ink wastewater, and then photocatalytic oxidation method was used to degrade offset printing ink wastewater to seek the optimum conditions for treating offset printing ink wastewater by photocatalytic oxidation method. Results when the mass concentration of the catalyst was 0.4 g / L and the UV irradiation time was 40 min,p H = 5, the photocatalytic oxidation process was used to degrade the offset printing ink wastewater. The removal rates of COD and chromaticity reached 90.3% and 93.4% respectively. Conclusion the photocatalytic oxidation method for treating offset printing ink wastewater is feasible and meets the requirements of green printing.
【作者单位】: 陕西科技大学;
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