[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the world economy, the present economy is no longer a single individual form, but a form of regional and industrial chain. Thus, the market competition between each other has become very fierce, relying solely on the previous technological innovation and management innovation. Lean management, cost advantage and other enterprise management models are no longer suitable for the future development of enterprises, companies must have business model innovation in order to pave the way for the development of enterprises. Business model is no longer a simple concept of noun, with the rapid development of the world Internet, it is gradually spread among enterprise managers, and gradually used by enterprise managers. Hangzhou FH Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Zhejiang FH New Materials Co., Ltd., founded in August 2012. The company is mainly aimed at domestic industrial wastewater. A high-tech company that treats and reclaims construction mud waste water and waste gas. With the increasing demands of the governments and residents at home and abroad on the surrounding environment, the protection of the ecological environment is a difficult problem that the government and the residents are facing urgently. Hangzhou FH Environmental Science and Technology Co., Ltd. was founded by the traditional sales product model, only responsible for selling to customers, but with the company's business market gradually deepening, the traditional single sales model no longer meet the needs of customers. This paper discusses the business model of Hangzhou FH Environmental Science and Technology Co., Ltd. From the perspective of business model innovation, and analyzes the existing problems of Hangzhou FH Environment Technology Co., Ltd by means of PEST,SWOT, five-force model and other tools. Put forward the direction of business model innovation of Hangzhou FH Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. The innovation of business model of Hangzhou FH Environmental Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is mainly based on customer value chain, the key resources, key processes, customer value and profit model of the company are innovated and studied in the business process reengineering of the company. Profit model, customer value and other aspects of innovation practice. By adjusting the management mode of the company from manufacturing company to technical service company, we can find a way of sustainable development for the strategic development of the company.
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