[Abstract]:In order to reflect the pollution degree of urban non-permeable surface, the population equivalent method is used to evaluate the amount of non-permeable surface runoff pollution load, and the non-point source pollution load of the city is further evaluated. Based on the analysis of the topographic structure of "city six districts" and the rainfall data of 2010 in Beijing, combined with the SCS model and the surface runoff water quality monitoring data, the load quantity of each pollutant index in the study area is obtained. The population equivalent of each pollutant is estimated according to the domestic sewage discharge index. The results show that the load of COD produced by the impermeable surface of 1km~2 is equivalent to the amount of COD discharged from the domestic sewage of 1.128 million people in Beijing in one day, and the load of NH_4~-N is equivalent to the discharge of 890400 people per day. The load of TN is equivalent to that of 159600 people per day, and the load of TP is equivalent to that of 154200 people per day. In 2010, the amount of non-permeable runoff pollution load produced by "city six districts" in 2010 was equivalent to the COD discharge of 48.2 days of domestic sewage and 38 days of NH_4~ -N discharge of the resident population (19.62 million people) of Beijing. TN emissions of 6.8 days and TP emissions of 6.6 days. The population equivalent method can directly reflect the load size of urban point source pollution and non-point source pollution. It plays an important role in solving urban water environment problems and provides data reference for reducing the urban population equivalent pollution load.
【作者单位】: 北京工业大学建筑工程学院;北京市水质科学与水环境恢复工程重点实验室;河北科技大学环境科学与工程学院;
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