[Abstract]:In this paper, NO_2,SO_2,CO,PM2.5,PM10 and other air pollution data from 161 prefecture-level cities monitored by the Ministry of Environmental Protection in 2014 are used. The present situation of air quality in 161 prefectural cities in 2014 and the seasonal and monthly variation characteristics of annual air pollution are analyzed. This paper explains the main reasons that affect the change of air pollution in different regions of China, and draws the following conclusions: (1) the air quality in different regions of China in 2014 is not optimistic in the whole year of 2014. The proportion of the number of days in 161 cities monitored by the Ministry of Environmental Protection was between 21.37% and 99.73%, and the average number of days reached the standard was 68.49%. The average number of days exceeding the standard was 31.51, of which 19.81 were mild pollution, 6.72 were moderate pollution, 3.96 were severe pollution, and the serious pollution was mainly in the high concentration area of 1.01%.PM2.5 in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area. Central and western Shandong, central and southern Henan, and most of Hubei; The high concentration of PM10 is mainly distributed in southern Hebei and Tarim region of Xinjiang, in which the annual average concentration of PM10 in Korla is 232.62 渭 g / m ~ (3) no _ 2, mainly in North China, Yangtze River Delta Plain, Urumqi, Xinjiang, etc. The high concentration area of SO_2 is mainly distributed in North China and the central part of Inner Mongolia, and the high concentration area of CO is mainly distributed in the middle of Inner Mongolia, most of Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and the northwest of Henan and Shandong. The top 10 cities with relatively good air quality in 2014 were Lhasa, Sanya, Yuxi, Xiamen, Haikou, Kunming, Zhanjiang, Fuzhou, Qujing, Shenzhen. The top 10 cities with relatively poor air quality are Xingtai, Baoding, Hengshui, Handan, Shijiazhuang, Zibo, Liaocheng, Jinan and Texas. Heze. (2) the seasonal variation of main air pollution in different regions of China in 2014: PM2.5,PM10,CO,SO_2 pollution is the most serious in winter, which is mainly due to the heating in northern China in winter and the increase of coal burning. The amount of exhaust gas discharged into the air is increased accordingly, and the pollution is aggravated; In addition, the frequency of inverse temperature weather in winter is larger, which is not conducive to the transport and diffusion of pollutants, resulting in the high concentration of pollutants. The seasonal variation of NO_2 concentration is not particularly obvious, and the winter concentration is slightly higher than that of other seasons. It shows that NO_2 pollution in China is mainly the result of the combined effect of motor vehicle exhaust emissions and coal burning and heating in winter. (3) monthly variation characteristics of major air pollution in different regions of China in 2014: AQI in seven regions of China ( Air quality Index). From the point of view of time characteristics, AQI is the lowest value in one year from May to September, and reaches the maximum value in one year from November to February of next year. This phenomenon is more obvious in northern China. It shows that PM2.5 pollution is the main factor affecting AQI. In terms of spatial characteristics, the eastern part of China's AQI index is larger than the western region, and North China is the region with the highest AQI index. The AQI in South China is the best. (4) the pollution cities and their influencing factors are analyzed by SPSS19.0 software. The main component analysis and cluster analysis are used to analyze the air pollution factors monitored by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The air pollution city of our country and its influencing factors are basically consistent.
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