[Abstract]:With the development of economy and society in Foshan City, the solid waste produced by the city is increasing day by day, which brings great threat to people's health and the healthy and stable development of urban economy. In view of the fact that the current solid waste management mode is not perfect enough, we urgently need to strengthen the management of Foshan solid waste system. This study refers to the domestic and foreign solid waste management laws and regulations, management techniques, management systems, and so on, drawing lessons from other countries, Shenzhen and Jiangsu Province in the solid waste management experience, based on the data research method, Enterprise on-the-spot verification method and case analysis method and other methods to carry out specific research. This paper expounds the harmfulness of solid waste, the management experience of advanced areas at home and abroad, the present situation and existing problems of solid waste management in Foshan City, and finally puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the management of solid waste in Foshan City. In view of the current situation of solid waste management, this paper puts forward six measures: one is to speed up the construction of solid waste disposal facilities, the other is to strengthen the capacity-building of solid waste management team, and the third is to improve the level of solid waste management in enterprises. Fourth, strengthen the supervision of solid waste, fifth, speed up the transformation of government functions, promote the construction of information-based solid waste management, and sixth, increase supervision and promote social participation, so as to establish a sound management system through the government and enterprises. Social joint efforts to provide better protection for the ecological environment of Foshan and the health of the masses. At the end of the article, it is pointed out that solid waste management is a comprehensive project that depends on the administrative, economic, legal, and scientific and technological means of the environmental protection departments. Only in this way can the "combination of prevention and control" be achieved and a good form can be achieved. Perfect long-term management system.
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