[Abstract]:Metallurgical industry is the basic industry of a country, which provides a continuous supply of metal materials for the construction and development of the country. Especially in China, steel is still in demand. According to reports, China has long become the world's largest smelting country. However, compared with the advanced level of the world, the metallurgical industry science and technology of our country is still "big and weak", extensive production will inevitably bring about the reduction of the air quality in the smelting plant. In the smelting process, the metal melt inevitably produces scum due to the impurities in the metal minerals. In the smelting plant, workers need to pull the slag from the molten metal melt out of the melting furnace, and when the slag comes out of the furnace, it will take part in the oxidation reaction and produce a large amount of smoke, which is harmful to the health of the workers. Therefore, how to effectively control and discharge the dust from the slag in the smelting plant is the focus of this paper. In this paper, the physical and dynamic characteristics of smoke and dust are analyzed based on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) technology. The Euler-Lagrangian calculation method is used to calculate the motion of indoor high-temperature smoke and dust under the action of thermal buoyancy and so on. The movement of smoke and dust produced by sanitary incense combustion in indoor air was tested under the existing experimental conditions, and the correctness of CFD method was verified. Finally, the Fluent software is used to simulate and optimize the partial exhaust hood of the upper part of the slag in the smelting plant, and the following important conclusions are obtained: (1) without the interference of transverse air flow, the main results are as follows: (1) without the interference of transverse airflow, The exhaust hood shape (b) has better control effect on smoke and dust particles. (2) the higher the suction pressure is, the better the smoke control effect, but also the more energy consumption, under the fixed exhaust hood height from the ground and the cross-section size, the optimum suction pressure is 300 Pa. (3) under the fixed suction pressure and cross-section size of the exhaust hood, the smaller the exhaust hood to the ground height, the better the control effect on the smoke and dust. However, in order to consider the convenience of the worker's work, the optimum distance between the exhaust hood and the ground is 1.5 m; (4) under the condition of fixed suction pressure and height from the ground, the cross-section size of the exhaust hood should not be too large or too small in order to ensure the control effect of the smoke particles. By comparison, when the edge length of the lower pollution source surface is 0.4 (m), the optimum cross section size of the exhaust hood is 1. 0 m. Finally, the optimum design of exhaust hood based on CFD technology is as follows: suction pressure 300Pa, height 1.5m from ground, (b)-shaped exhaust hood with cross-section size 1.0m.
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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