本文关键词:超载车辆作用下箱梁顶板受力分析 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The box girder with its unique structure and good mechanical properties, has been widely used in recent years, many long-span prestressed concrete box girder bridges such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain like appearance in the motherland. The rapid development of China's economy to promote the rapid development of the transportation industry, regional economic and trade more and more frequently, the highway bridge pressure. Due to the overloading of vehicle axle load grow with each passing day are generally larger, there may be more than the design load standard, damage to the bridge can not be ignored. The roof structure of box girder is the main parts to withstand the negative bending moment, the roof box girder by effect of vehicle load, large transverse it will stress the axis position in the roof, when the design tensile strength of transverse stress is more than the concrete roof, there will be danger of cracking. The main contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the This paper first introduces the development history of domestic and international bridge, detailed provisions on the overloading of vehicles at home and abroad, control measures and damage of highway bridges. (2) and then introduces the structure characteristics of box girder and stress characteristic and finite element analysis on the roof when used to the theory. Comparison of new and old standard evaluation criteria for overloading the vehicle load. By referring to the relevant literature and traffic survey report identified three axis analysis (1+22), four axis (1+1+22) vehicle model. (3) to a bridge on a expressway as the engineering background, using ANSYS to establish the local model first, analysis of the five axis, three axis, four axis along the axis of the vehicle roof deflection arrangement, the stress distribution on the axis of the roof, the axis of a few small wheelbase vehicles in the same weight under the premise, on the roof. Sound is relatively large; effect of overloading of vehicles under the roof box girder stress range more concentrated in the area 1 meters around the wheel position. Then, the calculation of two different conditions in two axis three, two vehicles for four axle vehicle roof under different overload degree under tensile stress, a condition found in, three axis, four axis vehicle overload respectively in 3 times, 3.5 times; in the second condition, three axis, four axis vehicle overload respectively in 2.5 times, 3 times, appeared on the roof in the axial tensile stress has exceeded the design tensile strength of concrete, the effect of operating conditions on a condition more than two top plate more. Finally, using the Midas Civil plate element model, calculate the moment wheel loading area value and the value of axial force on the size of the unit width of reinforcements is checked by calculation requirements, meet the requirements.
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