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发布时间:2018-01-14 11:38

  本文关键词:黄土高原土质路浮土径流产沙模拟降雨试验研究 出处:《环境科学学报》2014年09期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 浮土 土质路 径流 产沙 模拟降雨

【摘要】:目前关于道路侵蚀的研究较多,但针对土质路浮土侵蚀规律的研究尚未见报道,且浮土侵蚀由于浮土颗粒的特殊性质,与农地、撂荒地及道路侵蚀等有较大区别.因此,本文采用室内人工模拟降雨的方法,研究了黄土高原土质路浮土侵蚀规律.结果表明:1大坡度、大雨强时产流起始时间随浮土厚度的增大差异较小,并与雨强、坡度呈显著线性关系,坡度2°时产流时间较其他坡度滞后36.23%~52.57%,随雨强增大,产流起始时间可缩短38.57%~72.89%,开始侵蚀土质路路面发生在小区出口处.2径流量在产流开始后3 min内显著递增,增幅可达692.59%,该过程主要发生在单独浮土侵蚀时段,达到混合侵蚀时段后径流量趋于相对稳定,随雨强增大而递增,幅度可达29.84%~177.81%.开始侵蚀路面临界时间点随雨强的增大而提前,随浮土厚度的增大而滞后.3侵蚀速率在产流开始后9 min时出现转折,在此之前的单独浮土侵蚀时段波动剧烈,混合侵蚀时段在大坡度下随降雨过程持续递增,小坡度下趋于相对稳定.421 min时总径流量随雨强增大而递增,坡度对21 min时总侵蚀量影响显著,递增幅度可达15.44%~229.00%.本研究结果阐明了土质路浮土侵蚀规律,可为综合治理道路及浮土侵蚀,改善当地环境质量提供科学依据.
[Abstract]:At present, there are many researches on road erosion, but the study of soil erosion law has not been reported, and the floating soil erosion is due to the special properties of floating soil particles and farmland. There are great differences between abandoned land and road erosion. Therefore, in this paper, the rule of soil erosion on loess plateau is studied by artificial rainfall simulation. The results show that there is a big slope in the Loess Plateau. With the increase of the thickness of the floating soil, the initial time of runoff production is slightly different with the increase of the thickness of the floating soil, and there is a significant linear relationship between the initial time of runoff production and the intensity of rain. When the slope is 2 掳, the time of runoff production is 36.23% lower than that of the other slopes, which is 52.57%. With the increase of rain intensity, the onset time of runoff production can be shortened by 38.5772.89, and the erosion of soil road surface occurred at the exit of the plot. The runoff increased significantly within 3 min after the beginning of runoff production. The increase can reach 692.59, this process mainly occurs in the single floating soil erosion period, the runoff tends to be relatively stable after the mixed erosion period, and increases with the increase of rain intensity. The range can reach 29.84 / 177.81. the critical time point for beginning to erode the road surface is advanced with the increase of rain intensity. With the increase of the thickness of floating soil, the erosion rate lags behind .3 at 9 min after the beginning of runoff, and the erosion period of single floating soil fluctuates sharply before that. The total runoff increases with the increase of rainfall intensity at high slope, and increases with rainfall intensity at low slope, and tends to be relatively stable. 421 min. The slope has a significant effect on the total erosion amount at 21 min, and the increasing range can reach 15.444.00 ~ 229.00. The results of this study illustrate the erosion law of soil road floating soil. It can provide scientific basis for comprehensive control of road and soil erosion and improvement of local environmental quality.
【作者单位】: 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室;中国水利水电科学研究院泥沙研究所;中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所;
【基金】:水利部公益性行业专项(No.201201047,201201048) 中国科学院西部行动计划项目(No.KZCX2-XB3-13) 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室专项(No.10502-T1)~~
【正文快照】: 1引言(Introduction)目前,全国各地区道路网系密集,主要包括农村土质道路、公路及高速公路等.在经济快速发展的同时,道路建设也带来了诸多环境问题,包括区域水土流失加剧,城市道路扬尘使得空气中颗粒物含量增多等,这些都对人类健康造成了威胁(Ziegleret al.,2000;王晓燕等,201


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