本文关键词:毛坪隧道衬砌缺陷致害机理与加固措施研究 出处:《重庆交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 公路隧道 衬砌结构 致害机理 安全系数 加固措施
【摘要】:近年来,随着公路隧道建设的规模大幅度增加,相当比例的运营隧道存在不同程度的衬砌缺陷和病害问题,严重影响了衬砌结构的安全可靠性。运用科学的方法分析衬砌结构缺陷致害机理及病害整治措施研究显得尤为重要。本文依托毛坪隧道,综合运用理论分析、数值模拟、现场检测、搜集加固资料及加固后监测等多种技术研究手段,对隧道衬砌结构质量缺陷和病害的一般规律对衬砌结构安全系数的影响规律及隧道加固整治措施进行了深入研究,主要工作及研究成果总结如下: ①基于荷载-结构法建立了运营隧道衬砌厚度不足、背后空洞等缺陷模型,运用数值模拟,分析了衬砌厚度及背后空洞缺陷位置、程度和复合缺陷出现时,衬砌结构内力的变化情况,并依据公路隧道设计规范计算衬砌结构安全系数变化规律。 ②根据毛坪隧道现场检测资料为对象,分别对隧道衬砌结构缺陷和病害进行了分类。衬砌结构缺陷通常是由地质条件和施工质量原因造成的;而衬砌结构变形、裂缝、破损等病害则通常是由地质条件、衬砌厚度不足和衬砌背后空洞质量缺陷等因素导致的。 ③结合隧道衬砌结构现场检测资料,运用前述分析方法,对衬砌结构缺陷进行了内力分析和结构安全性评估,提出了注浆和锚喷结合加固措施,,并对所用材料技术指标作出具体要求;对衬砌结构病害进行了分类并根据其严重程度进行了适用性评估,针对不同病害提出了具体可行的整治措施和施工工艺,该将加固整治措施运用到了毛坪隧道维修加固工程中。 ④运用荷载-结构法,依据毛坪隧道加固工程中所用材料物理参数进行了数值模拟分析,并对隧道加固整治后拱顶下沉、周边收敛、结构荷载状况进行了长期的监控量测,结果显示衬砌结构在加固整治后能够达到预期效果,可为类似隧道维修加固提供参考依据。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the large increase in the scale of highway tunnel construction, a considerable proportion of operating tunnels have different degrees of lining defects and disease problems. The safety and reliability of lining structure is seriously affected. It is very important to use scientific method to analyze the damage mechanism of lining structure defects and disease treatment measures. Numerical simulation, field detection, data collection and post-reinforcement monitoring and other technical research means. The influence of quality defects and defects of tunnel lining on the safety factor of lining structure and the measures of tunnel reinforcement and treatment are deeply studied. The main work and research results are summarized as follows: 1. Based on the load-structure method, the defect models such as insufficient thickness of lining and cavity behind the tunnel are established. The thickness of lining and the location, degree and appearance of composite defects are analyzed by numerical simulation. According to the design code of highway tunnel, the variation law of safety factor of lining structure is calculated. (2) according to the field inspection data of Maoping tunnel, the defects and diseases of tunnel lining are classified. The defects of lining structure are usually caused by geological conditions and construction quality. However, the defects of lining such as deformation, crack and breakage are usually caused by geological conditions, insufficient lining thickness and quality defects of the cavity behind the lining. 3 combined with the field inspection data of tunnel lining structure, the internal force analysis and structural safety evaluation of lining structure defects are carried out by using the above-mentioned analysis method, and the reinforcement measures of grouting and bolting combined with shotcrete are put forward. And make the concrete request to the technical index of the material used; The lining structural diseases are classified and the applicability is evaluated according to their severity. The concrete and feasible treatment measures and construction techniques are put forward for different diseases. The reinforcement measures are applied to the maintenance and reinforcement of Maoping Tunnel. (4) the load-structure method is used to simulate and analyze the physical parameters of the material used in the reinforcement of Maoping tunnel, and the vault subsidence after reinforcement and renovation, and the circumference converge. The results show that the lining structure can achieve the expected effect after reinforcement and treatment, which can provide reference for similar tunnel maintenance and reinforcement.
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