发布时间:2018-02-13 12:12
本文关键词: 造桥机 支撑托架 主梁 验算 有限元分析 出处:《重庆交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:造桥机作造桥机作为一种用于箱梁现场原位现浇施工的大型专用设备,通过在桥位处一次拼装,利用支撑托架或承台作为支承,对箱梁进行现场逐孔滑移浇筑。造桥机是一种高度自动化的设备,该方法的施工工艺是将模板系统、支撑系统和过孔功能融为一体。随着造桥机法施工工艺的不断发展进步,目前该方法已被广泛的应用在公路和铁路等多种桥梁的施工中。造桥机主要由主框架系统、模板及其支撑系统和附属设施等几个主要部分组成,并借助这些设施完成由浇筑箱梁到移位过孔继续施工下一孔箱梁等一系列步骤。 本文以DXZ32/900(B)型下承自行式造桥机为主要研究对象,该型造桥机是针对客运专线箱梁的施工而专门设计,可同时适用于客运专线24米跨和32米跨两种跨径的简支箱梁的施工。本文详细介绍造桥机的组成部分和施工工艺,并重点介绍了施工工序中的预压试验,预压试验可以验证造桥机工作时的安全性,通过分级加载和卸载可以得到造桥机变形的相关数据,根据得到的这些数据可以推算出模架的上拱曲线,根据各测点的预拱度值将模板调整到位从而使箱梁的线性更好的与设计值吻合。验算造桥机的纵向抗倾覆性、横向抗倾覆性和整体稳定性、局部稳定性,检算造桥机主要部件的强度和抗弯性能,验算造桥机主梁和腹板接头连接。 造桥机为非标准设备,其体积庞大且构造复杂,在施工中承受的荷载较大,所处的施工环境复杂。对铁路客运专线中常用的几种制梁方法进行了对比,分别分析了这几种制梁方法各自的优点和缺点,并侧重分析了造桥机法相对于其他几种方法的优势,对比了这几种方法的经济指标。在方案可行性和经济合理性的前提下,造桥机法大量的应用于铁路特别是在客运专线标准跨径箱梁的施工中。 根据造桥机自身的构造和施工作业流程的特点,运用ANSYS建立了支撑托架在空载状态下和满载制梁状态下这两种典型工作状态6种工况下的有限元模型,得到了各种工况下支撑托架整体及各主要构件的应力值。经分析计算结果表明:支撑托架整体和各主要构件的强度都满足要求。除了静态分析,还对造桥机的主要受力部件支撑托架进行了动态分析,包括模态分析和谐响应分析。其中在模态分析中得到了支撑托架前三十阶固有频率。谐响应分析对比了移位台车在支撑托架横梁上移动过程中不同位置的谐响应。 利用ANSYS建立了空载状态下和满载制梁状态下上部支架的整体有限元模型,分析了上部支架的整体应力及垂直挠度。在低矮墩施工中,支撑托架直接支撑于承台上,为了保证支撑托架的稳定性及承台在能够承受支撑托架荷载下不开裂,需要用高标号的砂浆找平和对承台做局部补强,补强措施为在低矮墩承台与托架接触处增加钢筋,必要时可增加钢板。客运专线简支箱梁的跨径主要有24米和32米两种,施工中就存在变跨施工,通过增减内外模板及横撑的数量来实现变跨施工。 在对造桥机有限元分析计算中将现场施工中各种因素均考虑其中,计算和模拟精度都比较高,,对工程实际非常有用。通过对造桥机的支撑托架和上部支架的分析,结果表明造桥机能够满足施工的要求。
[Abstract]:As a kind of large - scale special equipment for in - situ cast - in - situ construction of box girder , bridge - making machine is used as support for site - to - hole slip casting of box girder . The bridge - making machine is a kind of highly automated equipment . This paper takes DXZ32 / 900 ( B ) as the main research object , which is specially designed for the construction of passenger dedicated line box girder , which can be applied to the construction of 24 - meter span and 32 - meter span simply supported box beam . The bridge - making machine is a non - standard equipment , the volume is large and the structure is complex , the load borne by the construction is large , and the construction environment is complicated . The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are analyzed , and the economic indexes of these methods are compared . In the premise of feasibility and economic rationality of the scheme , the bridge - making machine method is applied to the railway especially in the construction of the standard cross - track box girder of passenger dedicated line . Based on the construction of the bridge crane and the characteristics of the construction work flow , the stress values of the support bracket and the main components under various working conditions are established by using ANSYS . The results show that the strength of the supporting bracket and the main components is satisfied . In addition to the static analysis , the supporting bracket of the main bearing part of the bridge machine is analyzed dynamically , including modal analysis and harmonic response analysis . The harmonic response analysis is used to compare the harmonic responses of the shift trolley in different positions on the beam of the support bracket . In the construction of low piers , the support bracket is directly supported on the bearing platform . In order to ensure the stability of the support bracket and the bearing platform not to crack under the load of the support bracket , it is necessary to use high - grade mortar for leveling and local reinforcement of the bearing platform . In order to ensure the stability of the support bracket and the bearing platform without cracking under the load of the support bracket , it is necessary to increase the steel plate with high - grade mortar . The span of the passenger dedicated line simply - supported box girder is mainly 24 m and 32 m . In the construction , the variable - span construction is realized , and the variable - span construction can be realized by increasing the number of the inner and outer formwork and the cross bracing . Based on the analysis of the support bracket and the upper bracket of the bridge - making machine , the results show that the bridge - making machine can meet the requirements of construction .
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