本文选题:高速公路隧道 + 健康状况 ; 参考:《大连交通大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:高速公路隧道由于受到地层压力作用、腐蚀性介质作用、人为因素、汽车循环荷载作用等因素的影响,会引起隧道结构损伤和失稳,从而导致隧道健康状况的劣化,甚至造成隧道崩塌等灾难事故。随着我国高速公路隧道通车里程的不断增加,如何有效预防隧道健康状况的劣化对通行安全的影响显得尤为必要。本文通过对隧道健康状况的诊断分析,构建隧道健康诊断预警体系,从而形成一套集物联网技术与综合诊断于一体的高速公路隧道健康诊断预警系统,以期实现对高速公路隧道运营期间健康状态劣化趋势的实时诊断和预警。主要研究成果如下: (1)研究高速公路隧道健康诊断及预警平台的总体功能结构框架,包括平台的结构、组成及通信方式等。 (2)基于物联网应用技术实现针对高速公路隧道健康诊断信息的智能化和便利化管控,并结合高速公路隧道监测信息远程通信实际,制定了高效、稳定的远程信息智能通信方案。 (3)参照国家相关法律法规和规范要求,对所研究隧道的健康状况进行较详尽的诊断分析,构建隧道健康状况诊断预警指标体系,探讨高速公路隧道健康诊断预警指标的确定、度量以及组合赋权的方法;在确立诊断预警指标判定标准基础上,建立高速公路隧道健康诊断预警指标评价集,划分了隧道健康等级量化标准,划分了诊断预警等级。 (4)通过对所研究的高速公路隧道实际,一方面,确立隧道健康状况诊断及预警指标权重;另一方面,综合运用神经网络、模糊逻辑等学科交叉技术,基于诊断预警理念,提出隧道健康诊断预警的模糊神经网络方法。 (5)基于上述理论和技术研究,以乌池坝高速公路隧道为例,开发乌池坝高速公路隧道健康诊断预警平台。
[Abstract]:Due to the influence of formation pressure, corrosive medium, artificial factors, car cyclic load and other factors, the tunnel structure will be damaged and unstable, which will lead to the deterioration of tunnel health. Even caused tunnel collapse and other disasters. With the increasing mileage of freeway tunnel, it is necessary to prevent the deterioration of tunnel health. Through the diagnosis and analysis of the tunnel health condition, the paper constructs the tunnel health diagnosis early warning system, thus forms a set of highway tunnel health diagnosis early warning system which integrates the Internet of things technology and the comprehensive diagnosis. In order to realize the real-time diagnosis and early warning of the trend of health deterioration during the operation of highway tunnel. The main findings are as follows: The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1) the general functional framework of the highway tunnel health diagnosis and early warning platform is studied, including the structure, composition and communication mode of the platform. Based on the technology of Internet of things (IOT), the intelligent and convenient control of highway tunnel health diagnosis information is realized. Combining with the practice of remote communication of highway tunnel monitoring information, an efficient and stable scheme of remote intelligent communication is established. According to the relevant laws, regulations and regulations of the country, the author makes a detailed diagnosis and analysis of the health condition of the tunnel studied, constructs the early warning index system of the tunnel health condition diagnosis, and probes into the determination of the early warning index of the highway tunnel health diagnosis. On the basis of establishing diagnostic and early warning index judgment standard, the evaluation set of highway tunnel health diagnosis early warning index is established, the quantification standard of tunnel health grade is divided, and the diagnostic early warning grade is divided. On the one hand, the weight of the tunnel health condition diagnosis and early warning index is established; on the other hand, the integrated use of neural network, fuzzy logic and other interdisciplinary techniques, based on the diagnostic and early warning concept, A fuzzy neural network method for tunnel health diagnosis and early warning is proposed. Based on the above theoretical and technical research, the early warning platform for the health diagnosis of Wuchiba expressway tunnel is developed by taking the tunnel of Wuchiba expressway as an example.
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